【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
萬劍歸宗 2019-6-25 21:05:31


泡沫花火 2019-6-25 21:05:36 巴打做左單大獲野
靖兒 2019-6-25 21:05:37 樓主慎重呀
記憶卡 2019-6-25 21:05:38 Just my two cents

In this paragraph it seems like we have over-simplified what happened in June. The ordering of time does not make perfect sense (it should be 1 million people March first, follow by a biserge of government space then 150 tear gas, and 2 million hk people once again march peacefully in the week after). I don't think it is a good idea to leave rooms for pro china people to attack us.

This is why two million of us took to the streets. We were unarmed. We had only helmets, umbrellas and plastic wrap. In return, the police suppressed us by unleashing 150 tear gas canisters shot in close range, aiming batons at our heads, and firing rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. Numerous peaceful protesters were unjustifiably arrested, interrogated, and stigmatized as “rioters".
7頭達 2019-6-25 21:05:39 要真普選
喼汁炒飯 2019-6-25 21:05:44 此回覆已被刪除
皇者猁 2019-6-25 21:05:56 多謝你團隊同攬炒巴團隊
醜婦終須信天翁 2019-6-25 21:05:58 求你地睇下 再improve 下!辛苦哂
KEF 2019-6-25 21:06:06 God bless Hong Kong 仲好
林夕 2019-6-25 21:06:32 此回覆已被刪除
出事響個樣度 2019-6-25 21:06:33


中東精銳武裝份子 2019-6-25 21:06:37
佛山贊師父 2019-6-25 21:06:47 標題: 21世紀 黃禍
醜婦終須信天翁 2019-6-25 21:06:59 pushhh
卡洛絲丁Jer 2019-6-25 21:07:03 同意, 等我返屋企度度會唔會有得改好少少
鉛筆滑鼠 2019-6-25 21:07:05 Push
林夕 2019-6-25 21:07:06 此回覆已被刪除
不樂亦乎 2019-6-25 21:07:22
貓奴28 2019-6-25 21:07:26 其實難得國際關注,
寫多個point, 爭取民主/普選.
留個大方向, 會唔會比較好?

真心希望篇文可以更進取, 更激昂
林阿P 2019-6-25 21:07:34 依個真係好好多 希望攬炒巴打睇到comment
KEF 2019-6-25 21:07:36 都要講 多謝咁多位文宣組


走鋼索的人 2019-6-25 21:07:51 排版有D問題啊,內文唔應該拉方格對齊,咁樣D字會有疏有密,好唔專業
玫瑰與小鹿 2019-6-25 21:07:57 Push
天橋上看風景 2019-6-25 21:08:08 出依份可能會柒出國際
醫科生 2019-6-25 21:08:14 字太多
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