2019-6-25 16:47:34
Such catastrophic ramifications brought two million Hongkongers took to the street. After weeks of protests, Hongkongers are defending freedoms and safety of Hong Kong residents from home to abroad. We resisted 150 canisters of tear gas, 20 bean bag rounds and several shots of rubber bullets with umbrellas and protective hats. Our unarmed Hong Kongese freedom fighters were arrested and characterised as "rioters".
Which is why 2 million protestors had gone onto the streets. Not only are we guarding the safety of our own citizens, we are also protecting your rights and safety. We sat in streets unarmed with only helmets and umbrellas, but we were suppressed with 150 shots of tear gases shot in close proximity, or being shot in the head by baton, rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. Numerous protestors were unjustifiably arrested, interrogated and characterized as “rioters”, when all they did was to participate in a peaceful protest to protect our and your rights.