LIHKG 【 突發】根據投稿Financial Times經驗,緊急幫手修改G20登報公開信!希望略盡綿力!
當我冇講過啦 2019-6-25 17:05:02 Push


離地 2019-6-25 17:05:02 We are a group of Hongkongers who struggle to defend our liberal world order. You are part of this struggle. Here's why.

In early 2019, the HKSAR Government proposed a bill which allows the extradition between Hong Kong and mainland China. If it passes, any national living in Hong Kong will be subject to arbitrary detention, unfair trial and death penalty.

At such, Hong Kong's judicial independence will be stripped away by this bill. Fair competition, favourable business environment and internationally recognised judicial system will cease to apply in Hong Kong. Your business interest will undoubtedly be threatened.

Such catastrophic ramifications brought two million Hongkongers took to the street. After weeks of protests, Hongkongers are defending freedoms and safety of Hong Kong residents from home to abroad. We resisted 150 canisters of tear gas, 20 bean bag rounds and several shots of rubber bullets with umbrellas and protective hats. Our unarmed Hong Kongese freedom fighters were arrested and characterised as "rioters".

We therefore call for your support for these demands ahead of the Trump-Xi meeting during the G20 Summit:

1. Unconditional release of all protesters with no further repercussions;
2. An independent investigation committee to review the appropriateness of the use of brutality by the Hong Kong Police on 12 June; and
3. Complete withdrawal the extradition-law amendment bill completely with no reservation.

Hong Kong’s autonomy against the influence of China has been devastatingly eroded since the handover of administrative power from Britain to China in 1997.

Your unreserved support to our cause is desperately needed. Before the G20 Summit, we utter our last roar to the world. But we need your support beyond this Summit. We demand the preservation of our administrative, legislative and judicial autonomies against Beijing.

We thank you so very much.
啜地 2019-6-25 17:05:07 此回覆已被刪除
冬天的空軍 2019-6-25 17:05:32
Lukas_7:0 2019-6-25 17:05:39 此回覆已被刪除
薯仔聞茱莉 2019-6-25 17:05:54 依位巴打係做事之人,請受我一拜
一個沒有身份的人 2019-6-25 17:05:56 此回覆已被刪除
維多師 2019-6-25 17:06:02

小奇妙 2019-6-25 17:06:08
我要攬炒 2019-6-25 17:06:10 經過巴打直屌後,我地都希望下款轉用 Hongkonger

反中共係常識 2019-6-25 17:06:15 ... shot in the head by baton ...

(hit) in the head by baton(s)


離地 2019-6-25 17:06:46 Hong Kong's last roar to the liberal world
樂趣無窮 2019-6-25 17:07:16 pish
小奇妙 2019-6-25 17:07:28 攬炒巴 你已經可以直接同眾籌team 交流嗎?
我要攬炒 2019-6-25 17:07:28 太急
海倫 2019-6-25 17:07:43 大家交圖!
二貨課長 2019-6-25 17:08:03 protective hats = safety helmet
我要攬炒 2019-6-25 17:08:17 我經中間人
幸福不會是我的 2019-6-25 17:08:29 真普選
維多師 2019-6-25 17:08:29 如果要登全版想eyecatching又震撼,可以試試呢個。
小奇妙 2019-6-25 17:09:13 仲擔心緊你地可能會溝通唔到


百香果冰氣 2019-6-25 17:09:21
pepperseed 2019-6-25 17:09:29 此回覆已被刪除
金豆腐 2019-6-25 17:09:40 辛苦晒
絲襪奶凍 2019-6-25 17:10:09 push