LIHKG [緊急!]眾籌網頁登各國報章頭版公開信已經整好!!!(2)
窮無盡 2019-6-25 13:56:52 繼續推,等多啲人知


夏惠姨沙灘 2019-6-25 13:56:53 呢條先係
冬秋夏春 2019-6-25 13:56:59 應該好嚴謹未必俾咁做?
是你嗎 2019-6-25 13:57:07 有咩人睇
かみさまに感謝 2019-6-25 13:57:10 我想幫手,點好?
入tg group,我哋會協調:

[金融時報 The Financial Times 版]

Dear FT Readers,

A white terror has descended upon Hong Kong. Our government has pushed a bill that would extradite “fugitives” in Hong Kong - citizens, foreigners and tourists alike - to China for alleged crimes. The G20 summit this Friday brings a truce; once it is over, our future is doomed, unless you help us now.

We feared these arbitrary “deportations”. We shouted, to deaf ears. Lawyers, chambers of commerce, and millions of us were all rubbished by chief executive Carrie Lam. Without a choice, we surrounded the legislature peacefully. A violent crackdown followed. Defenceless protesters and journalists were beaten, tear gassed, and even headshot. The injured were arrested in hospitals and charged for “rioting”.

This mini-Tiananmen did not move Lam. The EU condemned the Bill; Amnesty International found the police excessive; US senators mulled sanctions. Nevertheless, Lam declined to withdraw the bill. The bill is on hold now, but more arrests and crackdown may come, as the Trump-Xi meeting ends and attention shifts. Our people are at risk of miscarriage of justice. If Lam truly wants to restore our trust, she just needs to meet our three humble demands:

Release of peaceful protesters;
Independent investigation into police brutality;
Complete withdrawal of the bill.
Sadly, she won’t listen to us. We now need your support: get our voices heard at your governments and consulates; let freedom prevail at the upcoming G20 summit and beyond. We can be saved, if you act now.

Yours truly,

Hong Kong Citizens, Vanguards of Freedom
顧問w 2019-6-25 13:57:20
Florian 2019-6-25 13:57:21 係囉,落廣告喺各大報章網站有冇得諗
中薯條 2019-6-25 13:57:28 Up
小奇妙 2019-6-25 13:57:42
冬秋夏春 2019-6-25 13:57:44 實話政治唔得
ThomasPaine 2019-6-25 13:57:46 push
南非前總統 2019-6-25 13:57:47


4-羥基苯基丙酮 2019-6-25 13:57:48 想問下巴打
好眠寶寶 2019-6-25 13:57:49 Push
YoshiokaYUI 2019-6-25 13:57:59 連登唔係好多人做big4咩
是你嗎 2019-6-25 13:58:00 我都係得無須出示信用卡交易」提示only