LIHKG [緊急!]眾籌網頁登各國報章頭版公開信已經整好!!!(2)
維她奶奶 2019-6-26 03:09:44 好似話用動畫


維她奶奶 2019-6-26 03:29:34

齋藤畢鳥 2019-6-26 03:29:40 好佩服真香港人
前線員工(已離職) 2019-6-26 03:29:59 簡單黎講係係個廣告入面加個QR code, 入面可以有多啲資料如聯署link or 黑警片畀讀者更加了解件事?
前線員工(已離職) 2019-6-26 03:31:58 如果係咁我地要buildup 個website, 入面有個多國語言懶人包?
穆斯林兄弟 2019-6-26 03:32:23 人在NY, 做唔到d乜, 淨係捐咗少少錢, 不過過兩日都一定會買份NY Times
佢地呢兩三個禮拜都幾多篇幅講香港, 616仲上A1
pubg哥 2019-6-26 03:35:59 其實我見本身已經有 qr code,

係右下角,小弟建議由數據同互動方面著手, 令到我哋可以知道更多關於受眾嘅訊息,令到之後嘅 campaign 可以 plan 得更加精確, 同時比一個空間呢啲有心嘅外國網民能夠有效地發揮佢哋嘅影響力(conversion)
我有畀你屌架! 2019-6-26 03:40:23 邊到仲有得捐
pubg哥 2019-6-26 03:41:23 我見到條手繪style片已經開始有多國語言版, 如果個網站入面嘅文字嘅話,相信短期內都會比較難搵到識唔同國家語言嘅兄弟姊妹 進行翻譯。 我會建議先上中英文同好似法文,西班牙文,德文呢啲多人用而且有影響力嘅國家語言, 其他語言可以用on site google翻譯頂住先。
穆斯林兄弟 2019-6-26 03:52:26 另外, 小弟喺美國住咗十幾年, 想當年A-Level UE都有A, 對英文文法都有一定心得/掌握, 未能親身幫手但如果文字上需要proofreading, 可以隨便搵我, 雖然呢度都大把高手但都希望略盡綿力

不過我噚晚係咁二立過下個draft都已經覺得好好, 但如果想要second, third, forth pair of eyes就留言搵我
斷了線那隻風箏 2019-6-26 04:05:22 仲可唔可以捐


收垃師 2019-6-26 04:09:09 有無巴打有呢張大圖可以俾我?
能仔餅ᶘᵒᴥᵒᶅ 2019-6-26 04:43:46 香港人好波
奶一奶米田共產黨 2019-6-26 04:55:20 可唔可以到時幫手買多一份寄比我,我比返銀兩你
思樂冰新地 2019-6-26 04:55:25 呢個網站我用電話上到,用WiFi上唔到(網上爬),其他網上爬巴打上唔上到?
穆斯林兄弟 2019-6-26 05:01:42 喂其實真係唔知, 香港有冇得買NYT?
可以呀一份半份, 太多就唔得
穆斯林兄弟 2019-6-26 05:07:08 好快咁睇咗一次page 1個draft, 我想提議以下修改, 好多都唔係error, 不過我覺得咁樣外國人睇起嚟會覺得自然D...

Dear New York Times Readers,

We are a group of concerned citizens who have been were among the two million protesters marching on the who filled the streets of Hong Kong. This is our sincere quest plea for your help to defend our autonomy and freedoms. Here is why you should care.

China has been relentlessly extending imposing their flawed authoritarian rule into on Hong Kong since 1997. A recent example is the HKSAR Hong Kong Government’s proposed "Extradition Bill" that would allow the extradition of alleged “fugitives” from Hong Kong to China, a country that is notorious for its disrespect disregard for the rule of law, and whose judicial system has a conviction rate of 99.9%.

Businessmen, journalists, tourists of all nations, and even ordinary Hong Kongers citizens could be subject to arrests and sent to China for trials of alleged crimes and fabricated accusations. This will have a devastating impact on Hong Kong where global businesses reside, on the freedom of speech and religion, and on human rights – universal rights that each and every single one of us should enjoy is entitled to.

This That is why two million of us took to the streets defiantly, even after unjustifiable violent suppression from by the police on against peaceful and unarmed protestors who are then stigmatized by the government as “rioters”. Police acted brutally by beating protestors young and old withusing batons and firing 150 tear gas canisters at large crowds, by aiming rubber bullets and bean bag rounds at our heads. But we are determined to defend human our last bits of inherent rights and our autonomy.

Withdrawal of the Extradition Bill should only be the beginning. We request demand the unconditional release of all the arrested, the retracting of the “riot” designation of June 12 incident, and the conducting of an independent commission of inquiry to look into police brutality. But Most importantly, we demand universal suffrage which allows Hong Kongers to choose our own leaders and make them accountable for their actions. Please join Hong Kong in defending upholding liberty and human rights against authoritarianism.

In view of the upcoming G20 Summit and the meeting between Presidents Trump and Xi, we implore you to deliver address our concerns and demands to your governments. We urge you to stand with us in preserving Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy against China’s oppression.

Thank you.

Yours truly,
Hongkongers 香港人
維她奶奶 2019-6-26 05:08:33 無嫁 叫做連登歷史之一
奶一奶米田共產黨 2019-6-26 05:13:15 麻煩哂你呀巴打!點聯絡你好?


奶一奶米田共產黨 2019-6-26 05:14:12 我都唔知香港有無得買NYT呀
穆斯林兄弟 2019-6-26 05:14:16 你留個tg俾我,我驚太多人搵我應付唔嚟
陳三點 2019-6-26 05:26:08 嘗試改緊
Fast1371 2019-6-26 05:48:56