LIHKG [緊急!]眾籌網頁登各國報章頭版公開信已經整好!!!
Jr.賭撚 2019-6-25 11:32:23 差唔夠1m


Big根包華 2019-6-25 11:32:25 求解。。
Click 完 Donate Now, 入完資料,continue 就去番 gogetfund 主頁。
ZA_WARUDO 2019-6-25 11:32:28 想幫手既巴絲
FAQ 有tg link
在雲端 2019-6-25 11:32:31 香港人閒錢最多 平時玩手機game課金買無聊野都幾百幾百咁去
悠藍 2019-6-25 11:32:33 港幣
阿朗素 2019-6-25 11:32:36 HKD
下個站到 2019-6-25 11:32:39 hkd
非洲長頸鹿 2019-6-25 11:32:39 快呀快呀!2百萬喇
貓大師 2019-6-25 11:32:40 叫民陣捐?
中國(最大贏家) 2019-6-25 11:32:49
詩郵寄 2019-6-25 11:32:51 二百萬人每人10蚊都2千萬


客家小子 2019-6-25 11:32:55 個平台食水都幾深4% 信用卡又2.9%
夢中見 2019-6-25 11:32:58 經過今次發現大家真係好愛香港呢個地方

李明蔚後援會 2019-6-25 11:32:58 此回覆已被刪除
白面包 2019-6-25 11:32:59 有錢剩買哂成個日本啲大報頭條落鳩佢面
西西弗斯之歌 2019-6-25 11:33:01 香港人真係冇野多,錢最多!
65432111 2019-6-25 11:33:04 [金融時報 The Financial Times 版]

Dear FT Readers,

A white terror has descended upon Hong Kong. Our government has pushed a bill that would extradite “fugitives” in Hong Kong - citizens, foreigners and tourists alike - to China for alleged crimes. The G20 summit this Friday brings a truce; once it is over, our future is doomed, unless you help us now.

We feared these arbitrary “deportations”. We shouted, to deaf ears. Lawyers, chambers of commerce, and millions of us were all rubbished by chief executive Carrie Lam. Without a choice, we surrounded the legislature peacefully. A violent crackdown followed. Defenceless protesters and journalists were beaten, tear gassed, and even headshot. The injured were arrested in hospitals and charged for “rioting”.

This mini-Tiananmen did not move Lam. The EU condemned the Bill; Amnesty International found the police excessive; US senators mulled sanctions. Nevertheless, Lam declined to withdraw the bill. The bill is on hold now, but more arrests and crackdown may come, as the Trump-Xi meeting ends and attention shifts. Our people are at risk of miscarriage of justice. If Lam truly wants to restore our trust, she just needs to meet our three humble demands:

Release of peaceful protesters;
Independent investigation into police brutality;
Complete withdrawal of the bill.
Sadly, she won’t listen to us. We now need your support: get our voices heard at your governments and consulates; let freedom prevail at the upcoming G20 summit and beyond. We can be saved, if you act now.

Yours truly,

Hong Kong Citizens, Vanguards of Freedom
富江 2019-6-25 11:33:10
突然 2019-6-25 11:33:11
記你老母自由閪 2019-6-25 11:33:16 此回覆已被刪除
消失的神童 2019-6-25 11:33:21 此回覆已被刪除


豬柳強國人 2019-6-25 11:33:24 毅進星 $200
睇樓巴 2019-6-25 11:33:30
失蹤Jer 2019-6-25 11:33:31 俾咗
下個站到 2019-6-25 11:33:32 push