LIHKG 假如628各地報紙都見到公開信?
Caca笑 2019-6-23 14:19:09 幫推



Idiotbox 2019-6-23 14:20:06 依啲野, 整好左啲圖,有材料先拎出去俾其他人睇啦兄弟
錢方面, 你睇物資站咁多物資就知道, 香港人一百幾十係拎得出黎
落雨冇帶遮 2019-6-23 14:20:30
Wasted 2019-6-23 14:22:46
香港眾屎 2019-6-23 14:23:25
寶寶偏頭痛 2019-6-23 14:24:22 錢不是問題
我又發現癡線佬 2019-6-23 14:25:00 PUSH 我一定會夾
Duffy冬甩 2019-6-23 14:26:23
香港眾屎 2019-6-23 14:27:09 有冇人開始做嘢呀
Caca笑 2019-6-23 14:27:16
慾女舔丁 2019-6-23 14:27:47
Fast1371 2019-6-23 14:27:52
Extra 2019-6-23 14:28:28 Push
香港眾屎 2019-6-23 14:28:32
香港眾屎 2019-6-23 14:30:10 樓主有冇識做文宣㗎
死獌狗 2019-6-23 14:30:13 GoFundMe:

Important Withdrawal Expectations
After you add your banking information and set up withdrawals, new donations that come into your account will go through a verification process, which can take 1-7 business days (weekends and holidays do not count as business days).

Once they become available, all verified donations held within the account will be automatically sent at the frequency that you choose (daily, weekly, monthly) and will be delivered to your bank account in 2-5 business days.

No Partial Withdrawals
Our payment partner isn’t able to offer partial withdrawals. This is because they’re an online payment processor and aren’t allowed to act as a bank by holding your funds for long periods of time. Each time a withdrawal initiates, it'll always be for your full available balance.

Keep in mind, withdrawing will not affect your campaign at all. Your campaign’s "Total Amount Raised" meter will stay the same and you can continue accepting donations for as long as you’d like.
Caca笑 2019-6-23 14:30:15 我聯絡咗幾個大學生share,問有無人入group幫手,麻煩香港眾屎巴打到時guide住佢哋整個QR code page
羅富全 2019-6-23 14:31:08 支持

香港眾屎 2019-6-23 14:31:35 thx
奧力子 2019-6-23 14:33:28
WeNotMe 2019-6-23 14:33:33
喇叭芽不再開花 2019-6-23 14:34:34