[阿肋路亞] 西裝、皮鞋、皮件討論帖 (27)
rees-mogg 2019-7-8 00:08:23 自己著鞋好粗 想佢cum著啲


Garfield 2019-7-8 00:09:07 見佢個網頁話做會員送個會員包,價值$1500,大約包啲咩架?
Garfield 2019-7-8 00:11:32 不過用HSBC 信用卡都有85折,可以唔使做會員。
我生我命 2019-7-8 00:47:07 We offer a complimentary collection & delivery service throughout Hong Kong (except the outlying islands) with the minimum spending $200 and 20% discount on all cleaning services. In addition, our exclusive membership voucher booklet worth up to $1,500. Details are as follows:

20% of discount vouchers for family members or friends coupon x 2;
25% on wedding gown or evening gown cleaning coupon x 1;
30% on leather or suede garment cleaning coupon x 1;
Complimentary dress cleaning coupon x 1;
Complimentary tie cleaning coupon x 1;
Complimentary shirt cleaning coupon x 2;
Complimentary suit cleaning coupon x 1;
Complimentary Jeeves garment bag coupon x 1;
Complimentary Jeeves laundry bag coupon x 1;
Complimentary stain-guard service x 1;
Complimentary one-month garment storage coupon x 1.

Once again, thank you for your faith in Jeeves. We look forward to providing excellent services to you soon.
我生我命 2019-7-8 00:47:36
牛肉乾 2019-7-8 01:24:42 著穿底咪拎去換底囉,痴膠底無咁爽
牛肉乾 2019-7-8 01:25:31 岩岩由中銀轉會HSBC已經順便拎埋張卡
夢遊專家 2019-7-8 01:26:12 邊個巴打對鞋
牛肉乾 2019-7-8 01:27:01 你買Hermes係咪淨係睇料同做工?同理

P.S. 雖然rubinacci rtw d工都已靚過好多香港所謂bespoke
我生我命 2019-7-8 01:36:12 但hermes啲做工同埋料都可以話係頂級,咁當然牌子都好重要既。
btw 補條link https://therake.com/rubinacci-navy-wool-unlined-patch-pocket-single-breasted-jacket.html
牛肉乾 2019-7-8 09:58:39 Hermes好多野都只係機車


rees-mogg 2019-7-8 11:50:25 攞緊去有得補了
CustardBun 2019-7-8 12:17:13 但打唔打鐵
精神!!! 2019-7-8 12:36:44 正常行路其實唔會點冼
CustardBun 2019-7-8 12:54:41 唔知係我行路有問題定點

牛肉乾 2019-7-8 13:18:07 下,我行石板街都無問題
rees-mogg 2019-7-8 15:13:33 打咗底唔駛打鐵啦 鐵都係會滑
Fishball_boy 2019-7-8 16:18:57 你識輕功水上飄嘛
瑞奇 2019-7-8 17:31:48 想問下對鞋買細左半個碼可以點搞呢
下面呢D expander 有無用?

我生我命 2019-7-8 17:43:39 自己試過ok,但要keep住用
瑞奇 2019-7-8 18:12:57

咁都OK 嘅,只要唔係着緊果陣就縮返都試得過


牛肉乾 2019-7-8 20:13:26 成日係度講打蠟時要溝唔同硬度唔同牌子用先夠襟同通透,襟同硬淨就好易講,但通透就真係點都要用圖。



GH沙夜香大好 2019-7-8 20:40:21 黎緊去London旅行,想問下邊度會有布賣,同想去Northampton買皮鞋。有冇人可以share下經驗
定期改名 2019-7-8 21:31:53 想要啲挺身堅韌又厚厚地嘅布
10k budget Holland sherry 點睇?
牛肉乾 2019-7-8 21:46:32 你要搵邊個裁縫先?同埋你個厚厚地係幾厚