LIHKG (不撤不散)北倫敦旅行團
年初肆四 2019-6-23 18:06:31 仲保特


Arsene_Wenger 2019-6-23 18:24:24 十幾歲
屎狗 2019-6-23 20:01:24 踢呢類大球會興趣班唔g幾多錢
Arsene_Wenger 2019-6-23 21:02:27 唔係有糧出架咩
屎狗 2019-6-23 21:08:24 再細d個d
淚b 2019-6-23 21:09:54
屎狗 2019-6-23 21:16:08
P.Piatti 2019-6-23 21:18:55 毒狗淨係對幼齒有興趣
屎狗 2019-6-23 21:21:49
宗仔 2019-6-23 22:22:19 >10碎
宗仔 2019-6-23 22:23:05 <10先啱


羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-23 22:36:38 lolicon
屎狗 2019-6-24 19:42:17 肥賓唔教
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-24 19:52:10 Jeff Reine-Adélaïde has either scored or assisted 5 of the France U21s' last 7 goals.
淚b 2019-6-24 19:53:52 唔知係新班主唔要佢定係佢頂唔順依家個班主
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-24 19:54:18 肥佬仲未賣到
萊斯仔 2019-6-24 20:37:30 去税局影響到人真係大快人心
年初肆四 2019-6-24 20:55:21 有條撚屌話阻住佢交稅
萊斯仔 2019-6-24 20:57:43 呢班人拉佢哋支持都完全冇用
0付出 投機自私派 早d死仲好
屎狗 2019-6-24 20:58:04
屎狗 2019-6-24 21:33:48 The news many Newcastle fans were dreading - Rafael Benitez to leave after 3 years as manager. Anger towards owner Mike Ashley + uncertainty around team & takeover saga only set to increase. Mikel Arteta early favourite with most bookmakers but understand no contact as yet #NUFC



淚b 2019-6-24 22:05:26 達子之前話要轉會權 唔似真
P.Piatti 2019-6-24 22:25:33 新手領隊無實績學咩人要轉會權
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-24 22:42:29 Sportitalia: Lucas Torreira has told Arsenal that he wants to leave and it is his "dream to wear the Milan shirt" .
Arsene_Wenger 2019-6-24 22:53:43 下季唔洗睇阿狗
