LIHKG 識人讀時裝的入嚟!! 登記做功能界別(紡織及製衣)選民!!!
土立土及人 2019-6-19 18:28:31


阿sa與阿飽 2019-6-19 18:29:40 想問下點check 我果行點登記做選民?
你識條鐵咩 2019-6-19 18:30:12 紡織界嘅朋友
行到尾 2019-6-19 18:30:28 Push
代替月亮懲罰你 2019-6-19 18:31:12 輕輕一推
阿sa與阿飽 2019-6-19 18:31:15 保險
Snowden 2019-6-19 18:31:18
辦公室政治庇護 2019-6-19 18:32:15 Push
無雨問蒼天 2019-6-19 18:35:58 Push
量地中女 2019-6-19 18:37:19
池塘下的熊 2019-6-19 18:39:01 Push


月供股票(股神) 2019-6-19 18:40:48
硬頸蛇 2019-6-19 18:41:53 唔一定要2年工作經驗,有degree/high dip既1年都得

Member (MHKITA) Member shall satisfy any of the following sets of requirements:-
(i) Any persons (1) who have not less than 2 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience and (2) who have passed all examinations of the Institution including dissertation;
(ii) Any persons (1) who have not less than 2 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience or not less than 1 year of textile and apparel or related professional experience after graduation and (2) who hold Honours degree or higher diploma approved by the Institution;
(iii) Any persons (1) who have not less than 5 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience after graduation, (2) who have completed a diploma program of the Institution and (3) who hold appropriate Honours degree or equivalent qualification relating to textile and apparel; or
(iv) Any persons (1) who have not less than 10 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience, (2) who have no formal qualification in the field of textile and apparel but (3) who have completed a diploma program of the Institution.
阿sa與阿飽 2019-6-19 18:42:01 thx
綠帽磁石 2019-6-19 18:42:06 有冇建造業界別?
量地中女 2019-6-19 18:42:27

Inyoureyes 2019-6-19 18:44:17
唐老狗 2019-6-19 18:44:22
年年歲歲花相似 2019-6-19 18:44:26
阿sa與阿飽 2019-6-19 18:45:13 不過保險業都係得陳健波呢啲垃圾
鬆弛小黃鴨 2019-6-19 18:45:18


阿sa與阿飽 2019-6-19 18:46:06 姐係入左呢啲功能組別就冇得玩超區?
唐老狗 2019-6-19 18:46:17
毅進精算師 2019-6-19 18:46:45
量地中女 2019-6-19 18:48:26 如果你係:

承建商老闆: 地產及建造界
建築師/測量師/園境師: 建測規園界
工程師: 工程界
建造業工人: sorry, 工會代表喺勞工界代表咗你
Other, eg Safety Officer:sorry,你無代表