Member (MHKITA) Member shall satisfy any of the following sets of requirements:-
(i) Any persons (1) who have not less than 2 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience and (2) who have passed all examinations of the Institution including dissertation;
(ii) Any persons (1) who have not less than 2 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience or not less than 1 year of textile and apparel or related professional experience after graduation and (2) who hold Honours degree or higher diploma approved by the Institution;
(iii) Any persons (1) who have not less than 5 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience after graduation, (2) who have completed a diploma program of the Institution and (3) who hold appropriate Honours degree or equivalent qualification relating to textile and apparel; or
(iv) Any persons (1) who have not less than 10 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience, (2) who have no formal qualification in the field of textile and apparel but (3) who have completed a diploma program of the Institution.
要留意, 並非所有級別的會藉都有投票權, Student/Graduate嗰類唔會有. 本人查詢過HKITA, 該會回覆 Member (MHKITA) 屬於Voting Member, 所以唔好貪會費平就申請其他級別.
首先根據選舉事務處指引 ( 第15頁附錄乙, 「你是下列類別的人士或團體, 便符合資格登記: 1(a)(3) 有權在香港紡織及服裝學會有限公司的大會上表決的該會會員」.
Member (MHKITA) Member shall satisfy any of the following sets of requirements:-
(i) Any persons (1) who have not less than 2 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience and (2) who have passed all examinations of the Institution including dissertation;
(ii) Any persons (1) who have not less than 2 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience or not less than 1 year of textile and apparel or related professional experience after graduation and (2) who hold Honours degree or higher diploma approved by the Institution;
(iii) Any persons (1) who have not less than 5 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience after graduation, (2) who have completed a diploma program of the Institution and (3) who hold appropriate Honours degree or equivalent qualification relating to textile and apparel; or
(iv) Any persons (1) who have not less than 10 years of textile and apparel or related professional experience, (2) who have no formal qualification in the field of textile and apparel but (3) who have completed a diploma program of the Institution.
要留意, 並非所有級別的會藉都有投票權, Student/Graduate嗰類唔會有. 本人查詢過HKITA, 該會回覆 Member (MHKITA) 屬於Voting Member, 所以唔好貪會費平就申請其他級別.
跟住就下載申請表 , 填妥後連支票寄回「HKITA, 63 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong」, 信封面註明「HKITA Membership Application」.
會費為: HK$100 (入會手續費) + HK$500 (一年年費) = HK$600 或
HK$100 (入會手續費) + HK$5,000 (終身年費) = HK$5,100
可能你會覺得會費好貴, 但係對比建築師 ($2,400/一年), 服裝學會$500一年算好平喇.
最後就去填政府份form REO-41
喺 「功能界別」同 「選舉委員會界別分組」兩項都填哂 「紡織及製衣界」.
我哋除咗踢走鍾國斌, 仲要踢走埋嗰18個自動當選的選委!
以下係懶人包, 請send 畀身邊讀fashion的朋友仔
利申: 本人學歷及工作與服裝業完全無關. 如有疑問, 可電郵至學會, 電話 2263-6388 打咗兩日都無人聽