支那開門 2019-6-18 16:38:43 監警會冇實權又唔問


今日未飲 2019-6-18 16:38:43 你老母就行之有效 有就唔撚使出黎啦
麻瓜青蛙 2019-6-18 16:38:45 Lag撚完未呀Apple
Freedom-cunt 2019-6-18 16:38:46 Q5: BBC: u called protestors as people who love HK, they said they'd like u resign and the bill withdrawn, u said u listened carefully, but what are u doing?
ans: i listen attentively. i announced we will suspend and put a stop at the legco, that it will not be proceeded to 2nd debate. We recognize the fear and anxiety. in this situation, no timetable = no bill will pass before deadline. the gov will accept reality should that happen. as for resignation, i said i wanna improve livelihood of hk people, i want 2nd chance. we will work hard to meet aspirations of hk people

Q6 立場新聞: 五大訴求你都冇答應, 點解你認為你出黎道個歉D市民就收貨? 你話暫媛同撤本性一樣, 咁點解唔撤? 係咪為面子? 再者, 條例話唔可以一D暴動一D唔暴, 你係咪照好似盧偉聰咁講? 你話同全HK道歉, 係咪包埋D支持修例既人? 你係咪唔認為推動修例係錯???
答: 所有人都因修例而受影響, 我一律致歉, 係因為我要負責 ; 至於有關撤回, 我已答 ; 有關暴動一字, 會交返比警務署, 唔係話去左金鐘就等如暴動

Q7: 點解撤呢個字你唔講? 冇官員下台, 咁係咪問責制名存實亡
答: 有關字眼問題, 冇野補充; 問責制方面, 官員當然要為工作負責, 而我特別要負大責任, 但我立場係繼續為社會服務, 希望社會比機會

Q8: RTHK: people are concerned how can police hide behind the scenes, they attacked the protestors
ans: hk has well mechanism to deal with complaints for police, we have independent IPCC. we should make full use of these. of course they used violence, and police would collect evidence. the peaceful people will not be defined as "rioters" because they did not take part in such.

reporter: but that's not legal definition
ans: the legal deifnition has to be determined by legal people
只是過客一位 2019-6-18 16:38:46 無人想知咩困難呀
BraBra野格炸彈 2019-6-18 16:38:46 佢今個記者會講得最多既就係警務署署長同盧偉聰
UST南亞仔 2019-6-18 16:38:47 仲認為自己冇錯
HaJor 2019-6-18 16:38:50 此回覆已被刪除
在沉默中爆發 2019-6-18 16:38:51 Lag咗

脾卡超 2019-6-18 16:38:52 屌你老母 同一個記者會call曬咁多個局長 處長 一齊答啦 下下都射波
青山院友 2019-6-18 16:38:52 推!! 要問!!!


牽春袋動全身 2019-6-18 16:38:54 一哥, set好鬧鐘開記者會未?
WickedWick 2019-6-18 16:38:55 tiki taka forever
洪中一點陸 2019-6-18 16:38:57 投訴有效而市民仲係不信任黑驚係咪指市民嘅聲音係廢呢?
訓撚醒未呀你? 2019-6-18 16:38:59 咁你依條條例既初心,你點同死者交代??
佳松富 2019-6-18 16:38:59 垃圾 食屎狗
Helloit 2019-6-18 16:39:00 快D問醫管局單野啦
癲濟公 2019-6-18 16:39:01 星期五
一心怡文 2019-6-18 16:39:01 此回覆已被刪除
Freedom-cunt 2019-6-18 16:39:03 Q9: you want another chance, critics say you need to cry today to be believed. this is devastating, what do you feel?
ans: i don't agree. integraity and character are important to me and any other officer. we know this bill caused many distress, i will not proceed again if this fear cannot be adequately addressed. the current legco will come to an end in july next year, if the bill cannot make it to the legco next year, the bill won't pass

Q10 ICABLE: 你唔撤, 隨時重啟; 你會唔會收返暴動一字; 好多人投訴警方用過多武力, 會唔會有獨立小組? 你2月推修例到而家, 修例本身有冇問題
答: 冇時間重啟; 過程引起好多紛爭, 未有足夠時間處理時, 唔會重新做呢樣野; 加上呢幾日好多人 ;暴動一字邊個有權威去定義, 唔係我 , 我只係按警務署呢個暴動形容而話香港唔應該有暴動, 令大家以為所有出現過響果度都是暴徒, 盧署長話唔係 ; 我地想彰顯法治, 要客觀做好一D都唔易, 日常施政都面對呢D困難, 呢次不足, 解說方面令市民唔能接收呢件係咩事, 工作上不足我要負好大責任
0c34n 2019-6-18 16:39:07 竹蓆價格持續上升


臭蕉 2019-6-18 16:39:10 唔答問題都唔知出黎做乜春 開記者會好好玩?
派大星光閃亮亮 2019-6-18 16:39:10 Number都冇點投訴,屌你老母
飛鳥俠 2019-6-18 16:39:12 天經地義
龍井婊 2019-6-18 16:39:15 潛台詞:遊行唔係暴動,但拉左嗰幾個係暴徒
