【 突發】我係取消外國護照樓主。求大家聽我講,停止內耗,設下死線,全力升級!(2)
西水向東流 2019-6-18 07:05:40 人手置頂


我要攬炒 2019-6-18 07:15:53
住了 2019-6-18 07:17:20 11點定5點
我要攬炒 2019-6-18 07:21:25 而家5點聲勢大啲 就5點。


顧問w 2019-6-18 07:22:21 推阿
李斯特鐘 2019-6-18 07:23:59
斗篷愛好者 2019-6-18 07:24:01
石黑a 2019-6-18 07:25:09 pish
住了 2019-6-18 07:25:25
住了 2019-6-18 07:25:36 好!
我要攬炒 2019-6-18 07:29:54 大家係時候自發出文宣宣傳「21/6罷工罷市罷課」


21/6 二百萬勇武和理非,兵分三路,戰佢老母。


qwerty0 2019-6-18 07:44:57
Btw eu data protection 有無得搞
唐老狗 2019-6-18 07:57:49
qwerty0 2019-6-18 07:57:54 循gdpr 方面搵緊
縮縮北行鳥 2019-6-18 07:59:32
美國船長 2019-6-18 08:00:09 辛苦哂
小驢子 2019-6-18 08:00:23
我要攬炒 2019-6-18 08:00:50
Grandblue 2019-6-18 08:00:57
小驢子 2019-6-18 08:01:26
忽然想叫春 2019-6-18 08:01:27


u3504228 2019-6-18 08:01:33
粗獷女教師 2019-6-18 08:01:34 推太快又爆,不過都推
qwerty0 2019-6-18 08:02:41 What you should know about health data in the workplace

Health data refers to personal information (also called personal data) that relates to the health status of a person. This includes both medical data (doctor referrals and prescriptions, medical examination reports, laboratory tests, radiographs, etc.), but also administrative and financial information about health (the scheduling of medical appointments, invoices for healthcare services and medical certificates for sick leave management, etc.). Health data is considered sensitive data and is subject to particularly strict rules and can only be processed by health professionals who are bound by the obligation of medical secrecy. Furthermore, the organisation shall take the necessary security measures to ensure that the health data is protected and not subject to any unauthorised disclosure.

30歲人妻大戰巨腸 2019-6-18 08:03:02