[Thank you Ball Bjai and Hart] LA Lakers 小圈子 142 致敬烈士!
KB24 2019-6-20 13:13:34 差唔多成個星期啦


Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 13:14:15 此回覆已被刪除
2019-6-20 13:16:50 湖估唔到仲有粒星會黎
_BoA 2019-6-20 13:21:13 古狗真係好多FANS

林狗@123 2019-6-20 13:22:27 Here’s Danny Green talking about the possibility of joining the Lakers:
“If they’re interested, it would be great.” 👀👀

_BoA 2019-6-20 13:22:49 danny green用嚟打final都夠
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 13:23:40 此回覆已被刪除
林狗@123 2019-6-20 13:23:50 Lakers employ a staff member, who has a SOLE duty of the salary cap. Rob Pelinka is a law school grad w/ years of salary cap experience as an agent. To think that LAL was not aware of the cap ramifications of the Davis trade, and subsequently found out on Twitter, is nonsensical.
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 13:25:07 此回覆已被刪除
_BoA 2019-6-20 13:25:10 癲狗搭green已經守死全世界雙槍
望唔透(唔夠醒) 2019-6-20 13:27:37 Ad會唔會步love、bosh後塵變垃圾


歌神張學友 2019-6-20 13:28:00 守唔守到羅狗+ola
Mani 2019-6-20 13:28:45 窄d
Meropenem 2019-6-20 13:29:24 https://youtu.be/mL1qGbdMlUQ
_BoA 2019-6-20 13:29:24 可以守死OLA
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 13:29:52 此回覆已被刪除
望唔透(唔夠醒) 2019-6-20 13:35:18 第一年係冇架
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 13:36:29 此回覆已被刪除
廢區車 2019-6-20 13:39:37 我都期待馬狗第3年咩表現
逆插玫瑰 2019-6-20 13:42:37 25+10
望唔透(唔夠醒) 2019-6-20 13:42:41 有,到時佢出自由市場,la又清到cap簽頂薪


8Barkleylegend8 2019-6-20 13:43:50 15+ 5 30% three point 75%free throw
_BoA 2019-6-20 13:45:44 馬狗下季3分上唔到35% = busted
小狗裕姝 2019-6-20 13:46:04 今年都17啦
2019-6-20 13:46:20 三年就睇到