[Thank you Ball Bjai and Hart] LA Lakers 小圈子 142 致敬烈士!
部屋右牆角 2019-6-20 10:40:38 清多張cap唔係問題

ad唔係無傷過 廢老又已經唔係生化人


好怕冷氣凍 2019-6-20 10:40:51 好想牙羅回家
部屋右牆角 2019-6-20 10:42:28 除咗呢點 其實真係唔知要佢做咩
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 10:44:59 此回覆已被刪除
Mani 2019-6-20 10:52:06
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 10:56:13 此回覆已被刪除
逆插玫瑰 2019-6-20 10:57:12 Lonzo and Lavar Ball
Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:01:40 就係因為咁先要多粒星,傷一件都有兩星帶

你補role players 傷一件既話隨時playoff 都入唔到
佳得樂 2019-6-20 11:02:12 係咪聽朝之前賣唔到個3隻廢柴就清唔到cap簽第三粒星
Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:02:14 底薪每場出黎拉空間射一兩球三分都夠啦
Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:03:52 跟woj 條契弟相反做就岩


Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:05:46 A couple hours later, Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN reported that the Lakers are pursuing the route detailed by Lord and are seeking a third team to participate in the trade. There is no certainty that the Lakers will be able to achieve this, but they have plenty of time – 17 days to be exact – until July 6 arrives when they must execute the trade.

The simplified version of how the Lakers can retain max cap space while trading for Anthony Davis WITHOUT his trade bonus
The order of operations in which the Lakers handle their business on July 6 is extremely vital. But here is the easiest way to explain what they must do:

1. During July 1-5, the moratorium period, the Lakers will meet and negotiate with free agent targets. During this time they can agree to contracts with them but not officially sign them.

2. On July 6, the Lakers must officially sign all the free agents they’ve agreed to deals with. Doing so will put the Lakers over the salary cap.

3. Still on July 6, now that the Lakers are over the salary cap, the Lakers will execute the trade but also include Isaac Bonga, Mo Wagner, and Jemerrio Jones going to a third team.
佳得樂 2019-6-20 11:10:00 其實應該無人會幫手接貨
Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:11:07 東岸d 契弟呢?
佳得樂 2019-6-20 11:11:37 成個league都知你想點 做咩要幫你衝冠
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 11:12:56 此回覆已被刪除
好怕冷氣凍 2019-6-20 11:17:53 最重要係上面Assumption
係Without AD trade bonus

除非AD 咁大愛肯放棄4M (好似話會影響埋佢下年續約個叫價,因為係睇今日個傾 X 120%)
唔係頂盡都係27M Space 咁上下

不過27M 都夠簽星既
不貪 2019-6-20 11:18:35 今朝睇咗後撤步條片

表面睇係放棄呢4M 實際放棄係唔只呢4M咁少
因為佢下年續約係base on今年份約幾錢再加上去

個deal一日唔done 鵝一日都簽唔到人
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-6-20 11:19:01 此回覆已被刪除
Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:19:27 AD 講左如果簽到巨頭佢肯唔要個bonus,冇巨頭就一定要bonus
Meropenem 2019-6-20 11:20:29 呢家計法係7月6交易日即簽,唔洗等7月30


木村里中睛 2019-6-20 11:21:32 似組唔到三巨多
牛若真 2019-6-20 11:22:34 宜家呢一刻我地係有cap,只要Free agent 一開市就簽,之後trade AD係冇問題,trade 係可以爆cap


佳得樂 2019-6-20 11:22:46 結果就係清到個3條友 就可以簽多粒星 AD自然會放棄個4M
歌神張學友 2019-6-20 11:23:13