[願義士安息 讓我們為你走下去] 曼聯終極反送中民主不死吹水區 [627]
小狗裕姝 2019-6-19 23:39:43 啱用嘅都好嘅,拎左錢d人又當曼水魚咁劏未必買到人


馬迪基亞 2019-6-19 23:39:49 #mufc are discussing a third bid of £40m-£45m + £5m in add ons for Aaron Wan-Bissaka. They are doing so with the hope they can recoup the majority of Darmian's £12.7m fee from a sale this summer #mulive [evening standard]

恩地吳尹瓏珠 2019-6-19 23:40:19 續馬達當簽左新人

工程小鮮肉 2019-6-19 23:40:48 https://www.manutd.com/en/news/detail/juan-mata-signs-new-contract-to-stay-at-man-united
夜子若+ 2019-6-19 23:44:56 成功爭取

✅撒回Mata 離隊方案
夜子若+ 2019-6-19 23:45:09
胡力威(掙扎中) 2019-6-19 23:45:26 暫緩兩年姐
占士麥迪神 2019-6-19 23:49:47 唉 無晒聲氣
阻住地球轉 2019-6-19 23:50:29 咁快名都改撚埋
古狄 2019-6-19 23:54:17 我覺得撚羊全勤個災難性
觀塘馬後炮 2019-6-19 23:57:17 中堅都是啦 成日都爆


也許當時 2019-6-19 23:59:19 此回覆已被刪除
觀塘馬後炮 2019-6-20 00:00:24 右閂 出大佬 同大米都唔差姐 唔出羊咪得
野獸深海晶 2019-6-20 00:02:38 真係唔明點解死出撚羊都唔俾機會大米
范加爾愛猁軍亞 2019-6-20 00:05:41 幾時買英超球王麥佳亞
我愛周芷若 2019-6-20 00:07:47 到時…我真係恭喜你呀
Winifred 2019-6-20 00:16:56 其實達米安幾好用
丙:朗 2019-6-20 00:16:59 太靚仔同隊波唔夾
Lukaku(控甩腳) 2019-6-20 00:22:55 曼聯個transfer window 係咪完咗?
1比7 2019-6-20 00:29:27 馬達續約簡直係雪中送炭
鬼婆💃 2019-6-20 00:31:22 出咁少 續黎托


奪命喵喵拳 2019-6-20 00:37:37 要出波翼呀
Ashley.羊 2019-6-20 00:41:29 好波

葵新伍 2019-6-20 00:43:31 Because we are going through difficult times, it is of the greatest importance to me to extend my commitment to Manchester United.

It is also the right time for me to say loud and clear that the feeling of being a Manchester United player is something very special. Unique.

I am really proud and excited to sign a new contract, and will keep trying my best to help bring the club back to where it belongs. 🔴⚪⚫🙏🏼❤ #MUFC
葵新伍 2019-6-20 00:50:50

睇死so 9 唔放