沈陣營第二百三十期 - 諾查丹馬沈 - 2019《沽世紀》
夜先生 2019-6-19 11:40:23 想請教下反向etf 點解長揸必輸?有時間值?


Estoy 2019-6-19 11:41:54 師傅上有線

有位沈門絲打Phone in
牛三GOGOGO 2019-6-19 11:44:19 大幅下跌
夜先生 2019-6-19 11:44:36 放工睇重播
熱菇誠 2019-6-19 11:47:59 Draw 錢走 唔駛擲住一皮野喺戶口
牛三GOGOGO 2019-6-19 11:49:45 發國難財
最驫 2019-6-19 11:50:50 一百萬就話姐
最驫 2019-6-19 11:51:31 東亞含撚啦, 姓李既
安德納祖 2019-6-19 12:03:12 恆生快D跟機啦
沙格拿(反愛) 2019-6-19 12:29:31 Exclusive: President Trump Says Hong Kong Protesters Are Having a 'Big Impact'

President Donald Trump called the protesters on the streets of Hong Kong “very effective,” but declined to voice support for their specific demands of the Chinese government.

“They’re obviously having a big impact,” Trump told TIME when asked what message he had for the Hong Kong protesters. “And I think that they’ve been very effective in their dealings with China.”

Massive demonstrations have been roiling the streets of Hong Kong in recent days that began in opposition to a bill that would allow mainland China to extradite criminal suspects from the semi-autonomous region. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam shelved the bill and issued a public apology on Tuesday but has not acceded to all the demands of the protesters, which include canceling the bill entirely.

“It’s been pulled back,” Trump said, “and it’ll be pulled back further.”

When asked during an interview with TIME in the Oval Office on June 17 if he supports the demands of the demonstrators, Trump said, “I’m going to let the protesters speak for themselves. I have our own argument with China, and I think it’s going to work out successfully, but I’m going to let China and the protesters work out their own problem. It looks like it’s going to be worked out.”

Trade tensions have been increasing between the United States and China as negotiations over a trade deal have faltered and Trump has increased tariffs on some Chinese goods. Trump spoke to China’s President Xi Jinping on June 18, the morning after his comments to TIME and ahead of the two leaders’ planned meeting at the G-20 summit in Japan.

According to a readout of the call provided by the White House, the two leaders discussed “addressing structural barriers to trade with China and achieving meaningful reforms that are enforceable and verifiable” and “regional security issues.” The Hong Kong protests are not mentioned.

-With reporting by Brian Bennett, Massimo Calabresi and Edward Felsenthal/Washington

牙東囝 2019-6-19 12:34:45 升咁多


VicF 2019-6-19 12:47:16 唔係時間值,就算冇槓桿1倍嘅etf, 喺股市大多數時間係升嘅話,揸2800可能捱吓價,長時間以年計,例如5年咁,點都好難輸,輸都有譜,相反例如揸美股sqqq咁計,輸到甩轆了
熱菇誠 2019-6-19 12:47:26 可能出面大把人跟咗師父做淡
牙東囝 2019-6-19 12:48:10
牙東囝 2019-6-19 12:49:10 股市長線一定升嘅
P龍馬 2019-6-19 12:55:53 事實多左人諗移民搬錢走,早排坐uber都幾個司機講馬來西亞
食屎LA 2019-6-19 12:58:23 應該反應唔切,個升黎得太突然
牙東囝 2019-6-19 13:00:20 勁多
牙東囝 2019-6-19 13:03:05 眞係好似壓彈弓咁
沈木火 2019-6-19 13:21:59 已經有恒生戶口仲洗唔洗去恒母開多個
沈.風中自由閪 2019-6-19 13:26:18 希望痕身跟住做


水瀬いのり 2019-6-19 13:44:56
普通社畜 2019-6-19 13:46:48 此回覆已被刪除
硬膠胸奴 2019-6-19 14:40:24 此回覆已被刪除
馬路如苦口 2019-6-19 14:48:13 一確定減息可能係熊市開始