沈陣營第二百三十期 - 諾查丹馬沈 - 2019《沽世紀》
VicF 2019-6-18 11:55:38 【FOCUS】大阪G20峰會倒數10日,儘管侵侵一時「不出席即加關稅」、一時「出不出席都沒有關係」的大放煙幕,但習特仍大概率終將一會。就在周一(17日)晚,央視稱習近平將於周四(20日)起訪問北韓,「推動半島問題政治解決進程」;加上中國4月續減持美國國債至2017年4月以來最低水平,都令人揣測北京正暗地為「習特會」增加槓桿。






沈門羊 2019-6-18 12:04:05 人哋遊行佢就開Talk,仲要過百人去,好撚扑街
Yraedry 2019-6-18 12:05:33 Companies plead with Trump against new China tariffs


Hundreds of representatives of companies and trade groups are warning President Donald Trump that carrying out his plan to impose tariffs on $300 billion more in Chinese imports will hurt consumers’ pocketbooks, hamper business growth and fail to achieve the president’s objectives.

“It’ll be the straw that breaks the camel‘s back for a lot of our companies," said Karen Giberson, president and CEO of the Accessories Council, an industry group whose members include fashion designers, jewelry importers and the upscale retailer Bloomingdale's.

The howls of opposition coming from retailers like Best Buy, streaming box company Roku, child-products company Baby Trend and other big and small businesses weakens Trump’s hand as he prepares for a possible showdown with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G-20 leaders meeting in Osaka, Japan on June 28-29.

More than 300 witnesses are expected to testify over the next seven days, with representatives from sectors that include semiconductors, energy, plumbing, software, home appliances, sports equipment, boat manufacturing, chemical firms, pet supplies, bicycles and fireworks.

Mark Schneider, CEO of the clothing line Kenneth Cole Productions, told administration officials at a hearing in Washington that he has tried finding alternative sources of supply, such as Mexico, for the company's shoes and other products. But Trump's unpredictable trade policy — such as a recent threat to slap tariffs on Mexico over migration issues — has made it hard to know where to make sourcing decisions.

“I started looking in Mexico, but I got scared off,” Schneider said Monday. “Some sort of stability with this type of discussion would be really helpful. There’s no preparation for anything.“

Businesses have also tried to lobby members of Congress and the administration directly against the imposition of more duties. Their best hope is to persuade U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to leave their industries’ items off the broad list of products that will face duties of up to 25 percent.

If that fails, they could still have the chance to petition Lighthizer's office for a one-year exclusion from the duties. But companies complain that process is already slow and cumbersome.

Apple Inc., one of the biggest importers from China, did not ask to testify in person, but is expected to file comments before the deadline closes on Monday. Apple CEO Tim Cook met with Trump last week at the White House and has publicly warned that tariffs on cellphones and other electronics from China would hurt the United States.
白聾王🐉沈慎 2019-6-18 12:06:01 正一冚家產嚟
VicF 2019-6-18 12:06:54 人各有志,我唔覺得有咩問題嘅

白聾王🐉沈慎 2019-6-18 12:08:27 咪撚信一日唔出嚟跪出嚟辭職繼續
沈門羊 2019-6-18 12:12:54 佢仲衰過D唔表態嘅基金佬,明知個日係遊行仲開Talk,唔識避忌下轉第二日,如果香港人個個學佢咁,晨早俾人送咗終,大是大非都唔識分
安德納祖 2019-6-18 12:13:13 師父同英國王沒有大和解機會
VicF 2019-6-18 12:18:22 【移交逃犯】立法會黃色警示將於今天下午2時解除

以更佳效果檢視 >

沙格拿(反愛) 2019-6-18 12:22:32 又話落台 而家又收返
HSIpod 2019-6-18 12:42:40


HSIpod 2019-6-18 12:54:57 師父:
普通社畜 2019-6-18 13:01:45 此回覆已被刪除
沈木火 2019-6-18 13:43:30 中箭乜料...痴左線搞連登
Yraedry 2019-6-18 13:52:41
沈木火 2019-6-18 13:56:29 gphone
Yraedry 2019-6-18 14:05:05 佢點樣搞連登
沈木火 2019-6-18 14:08:17 gphone佢好似係台灣蘋果叫人上多啲連登, 37就係facebook 話叫多啲人認識連登

VicF 2019-6-18 14:11:29 cc台?
北条麻妃 2019-6-18 14:12:55 邀請外國勢力入侵連登
沈木火 2019-6-18 14:14:57 呢個羅37黎


佢地就想集返所有人, 唔知想搶大台定係方便出賣


牙東囝 2019-6-18 14:14:58 離曬地啦條友
安德納祖 2019-6-18 14:17:15 邀請打手全面進場
VicF 2019-6-18 14:20:46 屍永清覺得成球架Benz 擺喺街block路嘅買唔起樓
普通社畜 2019-6-18 14:22:37 此回覆已被刪除