[抗爭未成心不死 莫使港人淚滿襟]祖雲達斯球迷臨時討論區
艾朗。藍斯 2019-7-5 06:41:46 怕爾馬岀道著過


十文字一輝 2019-7-5 06:45:47 唔算出道喇
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 07:27:14 The Bianconeri are focused on tying up the player before reaching an agreement with the club, while Barcelona have chosen a different strategy and are firstly in talks with Ajax.
The Serie A champions are offering 65 million euros to the Dutch club plus another 10 million euros in bonuses, while the Blaugrana proposes 75 million euros as a fixed fee and possible bonuses included.

The Amsterdam-based club has warned Fabio Paratici that they are not willing to accept an offer inferior to the one which they accepted from Barcelona and the Italians must thus splash the cash for the defensive phenomenon.

王下七武海 2019-7-5 08:05:12 其實佢本身係想著00號
Corey_taylor#8 2019-7-5 08:22:21 之後轉返1號
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 13:38:19 Buffon 表示Szczesny 要把1號球衣給他,Chiellini 要把隊長標章給他,他都一一拒絕了
性慾殺 2019-7-5 13:59:45 做後備一兩年無咩所謂,佢又唔會同你爭,史度拉利個陣都好大年紀,相信保方唔會差得過佢
性慾殺 2019-7-5 14:32:23 🇮🇹 📰 | Corsport:

Juventus are working to bridge the gap between their €65m offer and Ajax's €75m request. Juve intend on closing the deal by the end of this week and have de Ligt ready for the start of Sarri's pre-season retreat, which begins on Wednesday.

又week end
穿Hermes的腦魔 2019-7-5 14:40:12 Gerüchte um Mandzukic und Dortmund werden heißer

Von Johannes Mittermeier

Vor 21 Stunden

Mario Mandzukic kann sich offenbar einen Wechsel von Juventus Turin zu Borussia Dortmund vorstellen. Unter dem neuen Juve-Trainer Maurizio Sarri gilt der 33-Jährige als Verkaufskandidat, neben Klubs aus China sollen Manchester United und der BVB an Mandzukic interessiert sein. Wie "calciomercato.com" berichtet, ist der frühere Angreifer des FC Bayern einem Engagement in Dortmund nicht abgeneigt

DelPiero 2019-7-5 18:08:58 footballitalia
#FCBarcelona are reportedly ready to pounce for Matthijs de Ligt as it is claimed #Ajax are ‘upset’ with #Juventus over their conduct (link: https://www.football-italia.net/140355/barca-pounce-de-ligt) football-italia.net/140355/barca-p… #FCBlive #PSG
DelPiero 2019-7-5 18:09:36 抬價成功


性慾殺 2019-7-5 18:12:17 抵撚死
Yankees 2019-7-5 18:22:48 Juventus remain in pole position for #DeLigt. In the last few days, Barcelona and PSG have renewed interest, but the player and Raiola do not intend to renege on the agreement with the Bianconeri. Paratici at work with Ajax to close the deal. [@NicoSchira]

性慾殺 2019-7-5 18:30:43 肥佬呢d人地比多d俑佢就即刻唔識人啦
DelPiero74 2019-7-5 19:34:40 好驚柏總貪字得個貧,等陣疤堅係出85million再俾10m肥佬就仆街了。
性慾殺 2019-7-5 19:59:35 我真係諗唔到祖記有咩優勢,你話C朗有號召力但人地都有個美斯,再計歐聯競爭力目前咁睇都係疤高d,除非個球員本身好想來,如果唔係對ajax同deligt都係一好開放嘅選擇
新筆油脾 2019-7-5 20:16:14 本來都無乜幻想...但一切由某一位會員除褲開始...
性慾殺 2019-7-5 20:17:07 咁J下都人之常情嘅,不過就要著番條褲了
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 20:18:54 肥佬有錢乜都做得出
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 20:19:35 人地疤仲要有de jong
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 20:20:34 唔係講我下話



新筆油脾 2019-7-5 20:30:21 好似有人要扑暈自己

這麼醜的女丑 2019-7-5 20:50:38 上年筆數係咪有人未找
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 20:58:05 過左去就唔好提啦
新筆油脾 2019-7-5 21:18:07 燈力已經消耗哂o係c朗身上
唔可以用太密 义番幾年電先