[抗爭未成心不死 莫使港人淚滿襟]祖雲達斯球迷臨時討論區
感謝各位 2019-7-4 22:42:58 Juventus are reportedly €20m away from Ajax’s record asking price of €87m for defender Matthijs de Ligt.

There had been talk that Juve were ready to close De Ligt for €67m plus €13m in bonuses, but Sky Sport Italia confirmed last night that their opening bid stood at €55m with €10m in various addons.

Now, Tuttosport is claiming Ajax have increased their demands and now want €87m, using Virgil van Dijk as a reference.

Van Dijk is the world’s most expensive defender at €84.5m, paid by Liverpool in January 2018, and it is claimed the Eredivisie holders believe the 19-year-old is worth more than that.

Goal.com still expects the Dutchman to become Bianconero this summer but only on the terms of his current club.

In the meantime, De Ligt should join back up with Ajax for preseason training on Monday.

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原野個個大龜頭 2019-7-4 22:47:36 抵撚死啦 計埋曬D小數
感謝各位 2019-7-4 22:55:09 熱刺有個2500萬30歲中堅
感謝各位 2019-7-4 22:55:46 抵買
感謝各位 2019-7-4 22:59:42 點解會無啦啦由75變左做87...........
狼王托迪2 2019-7-4 23:35:39 ◻️ There was a meeting between Paratici and Icardi's agent Wanda in Ibiza and Paratici told her not to accept Napoli's offer of 60 million plus bonuses. The Argentine prefers Juventus to Napoli but Juventus must sell first.

◼️ Inter prefer to sell Icardi to Napoli as they are not willing to wait for Juventus to sell Higuain and Mandzukic

(Di Marzio)
DelPiero74 2019-7-4 23:37:01 怪自己白痴,明明75都抵屌,偏偏計縮數
王下七武海 2019-7-4 23:40:15 其實得都體一份傳87m
性慾殺 2019-7-4 23:44:21 好似係英國同意大利媒體都有傳,頭先係其他instagram 都睇到類似新聞,應該係真
王下七武海 2019-7-4 23:46:18 咪又係引用都體個傳聞
性慾殺 2019-7-4 23:48:59 唔只都體,calciomercato都係咁講


王下七武海 2019-7-4 23:53:33 https://www.calciomercato.com/en/news/de-ligt-juve-gets-complicated-barcelona-lurking-in-the-backgroun-34579

性慾殺 2019-7-5 00:14:29 一路講個銀碼有幾間媒體都有出入,但而家個重點應該係相方有分畸
性慾殺 2019-7-5 00:18:36 The 19-year-old looked set for a move to the Camp Nou after Barça and Ajax reportedly agreed a €75 million fee plus potential add-ons.

The Old Lady are offering €65 million plus a further €10 million in add-ons, terms that Ajax have rejected.

王下七武海 2019-7-5 00:23:43 下..我一直覆緊人個銀碼喎
btw如果解決哂分歧就done deal左啦
性慾殺 2019-7-5 00:23:51 其實見到Romeo agresti呢個隨隊記者呢幾日都無up就知應該僵局咗,佢平時都會keep住講下直至單deal成事,而家咁佢都唔敢講咁多。
性慾殺 2019-7-5 00:27:12 你同我睇嘅重點唔同,而家咁各執一詞都無用,到時即管睇下點,簽到就最好啦,我都想我估錯
DelPiero74 2019-7-5 00:34:39 C.Ron 上季無人爭可以慢慢deal, De Ligt 呢d有價有市一定係快狠準……
性慾殺 2019-7-5 00:38:42 無錯
我上面都咁講咗,c朗係同佩雷斯反面,仲要33歲賣100m無咩球會敢出手,但de ligt 本身有人搶之餘仲要係好肯使錢個堆,巴塞買唔成都仲有個psg,Ajax 一有比較自然叫高價d
DelPiero74 2019-7-5 00:52:19 睇黎要靠肥佬經理人出手,收咁多俑係時候做野
王下七武海 2019-7-5 01:38:02



貝湯美威爾頓 2019-7-5 02:43:50 有冇咩特別意思/原因
李純揆 2019-7-5 03:05:38 目標退休年齡
貝湯美威爾頓 2019-7-5 03:09:30 咁應該要99啦
十文字一輝 2019-7-5 06:36:28 屌你老母睇到嬲