[抗爭未成心不死 莫使港人淚滿襟]祖雲達斯球迷臨時討論區
DelPiero74 2019-7-4 19:14:53 真係炆


性慾殺 2019-7-4 19:17:25 少年你太年輕了,你以為會換得成嗎?不信得話我把這些吹水新聞改少少當新嘢給你看看
DelPiero74 2019-7-4 19:18:03 仍然相信dybala,希望俾多年機會佢……
性慾殺 2019-7-4 19:18:44 論乞衣就未到我地嘅
十文字一輝 2019-7-4 19:20:17 According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the three players Juve are prepared to offer to United to pick between in exchange for Pogba are: Blaise Matuidi, Alex Sandro and Paulo Dybala.

Whether United would be happy to sign any of these three, or whether the players would be happy to leave Juve for the Red Devils remains to be seen.
慢慢爬 2019-7-4 19:37:32 牙朗心諗幫到咁盡餵到埋口都要埋門一腳衰度縮
新筆油脾 2019-7-4 20:08:19 買斜恩就90m轟落去
性慾殺 2019-7-4 20:15:37 睇來緊呢一兩季買人就可以比較到佢兩個
Corey_taylor#8 2019-7-4 20:46:12 保方會唔會搶返個1號波衫
bernardeschi 2019-7-4 20:52:38 我估唔會
DelPiero74 2019-7-4 21:12:11 真心驚佢因為幾百萬買唔到


性慾殺 2019-7-4 21:22:55 唔使驚,一定會發生

Matthijs de Ligt is one of the protagonists of the summer transfer market, as he is targeted by various top European clubs, with Juventus reportedly being the favourite. However, the negotiations are stalling at the moment and for this reason, Barcelona would like to take advantage and try and sign the player.
DelPiero74 2019-7-4 21:29:58 on9...
新筆油脾 2019-7-4 21:32:26 熟識的節奏



DelPiero74 2019-7-4 21:34:40 之前主席定帕總又話一年一星。。。
P•Nedved 2019-7-4 21:39:42 搞掂埋保方 祖記夏天收購工作已完成 不會再有人加盟了。
我已經休好褲 地都拖埋
性慾殺 2019-7-4 21:41:37 你睇下dimarzio同Romeo agresti都無前排吹得咁勁都知啦
Yankees 2019-7-4 21:42:12 保方
DelPiero74 2019-7-4 21:44:18 突破盲腸
王下七武海 2019-7-4 22:05:07
DelPiero 2019-7-4 22:08:44 嗱,有巨星加盟啦,滿意未


bernardeschi 2019-7-4 22:16:16 ☎️ ❗️ The scenario for De Ligt has changed. Ajax now demand €87M for the centre-back. More or less the same amount that Liverpool paid for Virgil van Dijk. [@goal via @tuttosport
懶理(自由閪) 2019-7-4 22:17:11 祖記抬價部
性慾殺 2019-7-4 22:20:10 抵鳩死,死拖爛拖,人地知道唔只你一個買家仲唔拿拿聲叫高d,大家真係唔使燈,呢個地步燈唔燈都唔會嚟,睇下皇巴psg邊個買到
性慾殺 2019-7-4 22:23:28 De ligt一定唔使再諗,睇下其他新聞好過
而家另外傳係icardi ,想係下年用更平嘅價錢買,今年未必出手