[ONCE] TWICE 討論區(157) 祝我們最愛的忙內周子瑜0614生日快樂(2)泰場大發+加油啊香港人!!
一條狗 2019-6-19 20:39:31 而家要自己落手做埋後製


一條狗 2019-6-19 20:42:58 MM: Oh the video that I made with Hana?
MM: When I went back to Japan, I really had nothing to do. So suddenly we said 'Shall we dance?'
MM: So at home we choreographed it together and went to recorded it at dawn
cr: catgoh92
金Sana 2019-6-19 20:43:13 好耐冇試過9個齊人V
算把啦六師弟 2019-6-19 20:44:28 右上個張好正
一條狗 2019-6-19 20:46:32 2個人以上既直播V對上一個(唔計伴舞既manager)已經係4月中,9個一齊真係大時大節先會有
桃不出定延鹹豬手 2019-6-19 20:47:22 屌 Miss 咗
一條狗 2019-6-19 20:47:49 MM: Is Qoo (with their face on) still selling?
MM: I went to the supermarket in Japan and couldn't find it


紗夏說非子瑜不嫁 2019-6-19 20:48:30 仲做緊啊快啲睇啦
桃不出定延鹹豬手 2019-6-19 20:50:30 請問頭先做咗 d 咩???
貓姐 2019-6-19 20:50:49 公審
Opppa 2019-6-19 20:52:54 原來豆腐先係真girl crush


一條狗 2019-6-19 20:53:08 momo唔敢捉曱甴,結果整醒熟睡既豆腐
桃不出定延鹹豬手 2019-6-19 20:55:53 唉,又 miss

Taena 2019-6-19 20:57:12
點搞呀痴線 2019-6-19 20:59:19 賢: 無論係咩 阻我瞓覺必須死
Opppa 2019-6-19 21:00:05 最好笑係定b返黎同佢講大隻過頭佢都搞唔掂
桃不出定延鹹豬手 2019-6-19 21:04:12 咁係曱甴阻,定係 Momo 阻???
點搞呀痴線 2019-6-19 21:06:13 歸根究底計係曱甴
紗夏說非子瑜不嫁 2019-6-19 21:11:36 型到
桃不出定延鹹豬手 2019-6-19 21:16:25 Momo talked about so much things in this 1 hour vlive 😂

Fancy Dance competition
Breakthrough & HAPPY HAPPY
Question about dying her hair
Video with Sana at Hawaii
MoChaeng TV in Japan
Liking Chili & Pepper crab
Dance video with Hana
Finding Qoo in Japan
Wish for reality show
桃不出定延鹹豬手 2019-6-19 21:17:11 Momo said she went to Hawaii with Sana ane took a lot of video. She is working hard to edit it and will upload it later on 😊 she don't know if it will be interesting but she will edit it for now


Taena 2019-6-19 21:19:22 回家喇
Taena 2019-6-19 21:20:28 好想比賢賢保護
Opppa 2019-6-19 21:26:49
彩瑛的酒窩 2019-6-19 21:28:17 MoChaeng TV in Japan