2019-6-14 22:37:45
Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
Hallelujah是希伯來文的音譯,解作「你們要讚美耶和華」,而翻閱字典,我們明白「讚美」一字解作「誇耀」be boastful,所以,Hallelujah是一項誇耀耶和華的呼籲。到底要誇耀耶和華甚麼呢?
2019-6-14 23:02:26
Sing alleluia to the Lord
Sing alleluia to the Lord (x2),
sing alleluia (x2),
Sing alleluia to the Lord!
Jesus is risen from the dead (x2),
Jesus is risen (x2),
Jusus is risen from the dead¡I
Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth (x2),
Jesus is Lord (x2),
Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth¡I
Jesus is coming for His own (x2),
Jesus is coming (x2),
Jesus is coming for His own.