堆積如山的屍體、骨瘦如柴的幸存者,那些泯滅人性的實驗震撼了全世界。1948年在紐倫堡進行的醫師審判,被告的醫師之中,不乏知名的科學家,如施靈(Klaus Karl Schilling)曾是國際瘧疾研究聯盟的成員,戰時卻刻意讓一千多名囚犯感染瘧疾來進行科學研究。科學家在戰爭期間荒唐的行徑,讓美國醫師里昂·亞歷山大(Leo Alexander)動筆起草人體實驗中應有的道德規範,也就是今日我們熟知的「紐倫堡公約」,寫明了醫師在任何情況之下,都不得傷害受試者(除非受試者就是醫師本人)。而1964年在芬蘭舉辦的全球醫師大會更提出「赫爾辛基宣言(The Declaration of Helsinki)」,說明了受試者有絕對的權利了解實驗內容,保障了受試者「知情同意」的權益。數十年的努力之下,美國和其他國家都誓言杜絕非人道的臨床實驗,全世界都認為這種惡魔般的人體實驗不會再出現了。
email標題(我自己諗):Desperate Request for Action on Breach of Human Rights by HK Police Force
內容:To whom it may concern,
We are a group of concerned ordinary Hong Kong citizens in direct opposition of the Extradition Bill
proposed by the Hong Kong SAR Government, which, once passed, could result in unjust surrenders of
Hong Kong citizens to the People’s Republic of China. Out of extreme frustration and hopelessness, we are
writing with utmost concern for such a breach of human rights by the Hong Kong Police Force
In the protests over the last few days, as you might be aware, the HKPF has created ugly scenes by
adopting excessive force against the vast majority of peaceful protesters, examples include the misuse and
overuse of tear gas, bean bags and rubber bullets. A long list of evidences prove that they are not using
force when strictly necessary, which is impossible to be justified. The Hong Kong Police Force and the Hong
Kong Government, regrettably, denied the misuse of violence and shifted the blame onto the protesters.
We have prepared the attached open letter, and would like to ask for your assistance in sending it to the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at urgent-action@ohchr.org, requesting their
urgent action to call an investigation into HKPF’s conduct, and denounce HKPF’s conduct. We also
welcome you to issue a statement to express your concerns on HKPF’s breach of human rights.
Yours faithfully,
A group of ordinary Hong Kong citizens