Journalists for Human Rights N/A information@jhr.ca Canada
Committee for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid -
Deutscher Bundestag
N/A menschenrechtsausschuss@bundestag.de Germany
Amnesty International Hong Kong 國際特赦組織香港分會 admin-hk@amnesty.org.hk HK
Human Rights Watch 人權觀察 hrwpress@hrw.org UK
HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA - International Federation for
Human Rights
N/A hrichk@hrichina.org China
Global Human Rights Defence N/A info@ghrd.org Overseas
Freedom House 自由之家 press@freedomhouse.org Overseas
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner 聯合國人權高等弁務官事務所 InfoDesk@ohchr.org Overseas
Hong Kong Watch N/A https://www.hongkongwatch.org/contact Overseas
International Review of the Red Cross N/A press@icrc.org Overseas
Canadian Human Rights International Organization - CHRIO N/A N/A Canada
International Institute of Human Rights N/A administration@iidh.org France
International Observatory of Human Rights N/A info@observatoryihr.org UK
International Society for Human Rights 國際人權協會 info@ishr.org Germany
Quaker Council for European Affairs N/A N/A Belgium
Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and
Human Rights
N/A N/A Italy
IFEX Tunisia Monitoring Group - IFEX N/A N/A Canada
OMCT International Secretariat
OMCT Europe
N/A omct@omct.org
Youth Unlimited N/A N/A Belgium US / Canada
Human Right Without Frontiers 無張界人權組織 international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.net Overseas
Civil Right Defender N/A info@crd.org Overseas
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic
N/A N/A Canada
Scholarism 學民思潮 scholarismhk@gmail.com HK
Studentlocalism 學生動源 studentlocalismhk@gmail.com HK
The Edu Lab 教育實驗學社 info@theedulab.hk HK
CUSU 中大學生會 cusu@cuhk.edu.hk HK
CUSU Council 中大學生會代表會 sucouncil@cuhk.edu.hk HK
Chinese University Student Press 中大學生報 cusp@cusp.hk HK
Alumni association activities of The Chinese University of
Hong Kong
香港中文大學校友事務處 alumni@cuhk.edu.hk HK
The Hong Kong University Students' Union 香港大學學生會 union@hku.hk HK
The Hong Kong University Students' Union Council 香港大學學生會評議會 council.secretariat.hkusu@gmail.com HK
HKU SPACE Community College Students' Union 香港大學附屬學院學生會 su@hkuspaceccsu.com HK
Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union 香港浸會大學學生會 su@so.hkbu.edu.hk HK
Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council 香港浸會大學學生會評議會 suco@so.hkbu.edu.hk HK
H.K.U.S.T. Students' Union Council 香港科技大學學生會 su_union@connect.ust.hk HK
HKUSTSUCouncil 香港科技大學學生會評議會 su_ucoun@connect.ust.hk HK
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union 香港公開大學學生會 su@ouhk.edu.hk HK
Ouhksu Council 香港公開大學學生會評議會 sucouncil@ouhk.edu.hk HK
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Students' Union 香港恒生大學學生會 su@hsu.edu.hk HK
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Students' Union