2019-6-13 21:19:25
Hello guys! Since I don't know how to type in Chinese, this post will be in English.As I want more ppl to know about this, this will be a repost.
Now the policemen has used brutality in an attempt to stop us, I suggest we should outwit them in our next stage of action, but I will be vague in case some policemen has infiltrated this website. So the the first thing we need is an underground communication network to plan our actions.
One of the things we can do is to borrow from The Thirty-Six Stratagems and try to confuse the policemen. We can also do what the Viet Cong and the Chinese Red Army does best to fight.
I also went to 4chan to get some protesting tips and got some helpful tips from others. Too bad I won't tell all of them here since there is some Policemen there. If you want to learn about this, go to /pol/ in 4chan, where I will be posting them once the response is huge enough, or DM me.