LIHKG 醫院唔係要保障病人資料咩?
1min60s 2019-6-15 12:07:57


1min60s 2019-6-15 12:12:08
1min60s 2019-6-15 12:33:23 HiD已回覆會跟進
1min60s 2019-6-15 12:49:31
1min60s 2019-6-15 13:11:45
1min60s 2019-6-15 13:23:00
1min60s 2019-6-15 13:36:49
1min60s 2019-6-15 13:58:54
1min60s 2019-6-15 14:16:17
1min60s 2019-6-15 14:50:20
1min60s 2019-6-15 15:09:00


1min60s 2019-6-15 18:01:41
1min60s 2019-6-15 21:16:55
姆克兒 2019-6-15 21:17:30 總之我要見到有人仆街
西野家內 2019-6-15 21:18:19 Health Informatics?
copyright123 2019-6-15 21:20:12
1min60s 2019-6-16 12:43:09 朱凱迪
西野家內 2019-6-16 12:43:40 很好,有議員跟
1min60s 2019-6-16 16:42:39
西野家內 2019-6-16 16:49:35
どりゃ猫 2019-6-16 16:52:42 I will not do anything evil or malicious and I will not knowingly give any harmful drug or assist in malpractice.

I will not reveal any confidential information that may come to my knowledge in the course of my work.



1min60s 2019-6-16 21:04:38
西野家內 2019-6-16 21:30:04