榮譽港大副學士 2019-6-12 18:46:59 此回覆已被刪除


Mr.Mean 2019-6-12 18:47:01 我都唔覺輸


JoaoVirginia 2019-6-12 18:47:15 輸你老母臭西
Sigmund_Freud 2019-6-12 18:47:40 無輸
去日苦多 2019-6-12 18:47:59 推 屌佢老母
住了 2019-6-12 18:48:02
渡辺みり愛 2019-6-12 18:48:44 1:今次既目的





精神病人羅婉儀 2019-6-12 18:49:35 此回覆已被刪除
JoaoVirginia 2019-6-12 18:50:50 輸你老母臭西
羅定偉業街 2019-6-12 18:50:50 冇覺得輸, 大家令佢今日過唔到二、三讀。
喵喵,喵 2019-6-12 18:51:22 冇撚輸!撐住香港人!


Graviton 2019-6-12 18:51:36 因階段性勝利鼓舞唔緊要
Jaime_Lannister 2019-6-12 18:51:37 經過今日大家都唔縮我地就贏面好大
粉紅毛毛 2019-6-12 18:51:50 推!
麥湯明你 2019-6-12 18:51:51 無輸,令全世界都關注呢件事!
連登旅遊台台長 2019-6-12 18:51:54 大家未輸!!





Dear whom may concern,

I am a Hong Konger. Recently the Hong Kong government have proposed the Extradition Law (ELAB), to handle a murder case in Taiwan. (actually there is an alternative methods but the government insists to propose this law for political purpose) In general many people opposed this law, because the law harms our personal and our assets' safety, also harm our rights and freedom. In June 9, more than 1 million Hong Konger have protested to express their opinion of opposing the law, which is more than one-seventh of Hong Konger. However, our Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, ignore the majority opinion and continue to propose ELAB.

In this issue, your government have the same stance with us and we are all oppose this law. The consulates and chambers have meet the Hong Kong government, and they are more worried about this law after the meeting.

As a multi-culture country, Canada respect people's human right and freedom and support equality. However, the Chinese government consider their power prior to human rights and freedom, and they arrested Mr Michael Kovrig for political purpose. If ELAB passed, China have lower cost of arrest people unreasonably and more and more people, Hong Konger and Canadians will become Mr Michael Kovrig. The protest of 9 June already show Hong Konger's opinion and if this law passed, not only our rights will be harmed, the benefits of Canada in Hong Kong will also be harmed. Now the police act like Gestapo and abuse their power. Please keep putting pressure on Hong Kong government before it's too late.

Best Regards,

A Hong Konger


Thank you for your email and for sharing your concerns with us – these are well noted. The Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong has been closely following the issue of the Hong Kong Government's proposed amendments to its Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance.

Canada has raised serious questions with the Hong Kong government on this matter, and on May 30, Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland issued the below joint statement of concern with Foreign Secretary Hunt of the United Kingdom. In recent weeks, public statements on the issue were also made by Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Rob Oliphant during a May 24-26 visit to Hong Kong and Macao, and prior to that by the Global Affairs Canada spokesperson in response to media enquiries.

Canada will continue to monitor the situation closely and voice our concerns with the Hong Kong Government as appropriate.

Best regards,

Public Affairs / Affaires publiques

Consulate General of Canada, Hong Kong |
反蝻戰士 2019-6-12 18:52:01 此回覆已被刪除
__main__ 2019-6-12 18:52:20 依家係未二讀,唔係撤回
遵理追擊手Kentai 2019-6-12 18:52:42 會唔會覺得警察總部 大過 立法會呢
用户名稱01 2019-6-12 18:52:44 哩場係持久戰,香港人一齊團結唔會倒唔到條柒婆台!香港人 加油!
中国香港 2019-6-12 18:52:48 輸咩撚野? 依家全球直播睇撚住你香港狗官同黑警係點樣對示威者呀 。 你最後甘樣都硬過條例比外國制裁,咪最多同你班仆街攬炒囉! 唔好唔記得依家係你港共1打100呀,全球係得你地支持條例咋!


JoaoVirginia 2019-6-12 18:52:59 輸你老母臭西
快樂詩人黃豆豆 2019-6-12 18:53:34 香港人加油
傻的是你媽 2019-6-12 18:53:40 香港人!仲要返工既 可以夜晚出去唱吓歌!
麥湯明你 2019-6-12 18:54:17 到時睇班警犬仲點得戚