『薪火Post』BNO續期資訊(40) 6月12日香港終局延長戰:反送中定係送你終?
Fosu_Mensah 2019-6-13 14:00:33 因為見到第一個email要打 之後打左去英國



Fosu_Mensah 2019-6-13 14:02:33

小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 14:27:26 即是你已經有ref. no.?咁可以選擇唔理佢試試直接申請既,不過HMPO咁亂,如果係我會打多次過去,同佢講已經成功註銷,俾埋號碼佢..
Fosu_Mensah 2019-6-13 14:30:18 未有呀 去到”We need to speak to you但無需理會”個part

az-687 2019-6-13 14:36:34
Fosu_Mensah 2019-6-13 14:51:32
無底線(no_) 2019-6-13 14:55:32 有無人有成功案例 其中一個parent 無出世紙 + 無香港結婚證書 (第二度結)
用letter 解釋成功?
爬左post 見有人無老母出世紙成功 但無見過無結婚證
小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 15:01:47 咁睇黎無可避免,打多次啦.....
村上隆 2019-6-13 15:03:21 如果只得自己出世紙,冇二老出世紙同結婚證書,續唔續到
Fosu_Mensah 2019-6-13 15:03:29 唯有係咁了
小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 15:08:27 都係果句,HMPO咁多職員,有d手鬆、有d手緊,要睇彩數,上個post有人直頭話冇人簽Identity confirmation都續到,但我認為HMPO要求既就盡俾,要正本俾正本、要副本俾副本,到你盡力都搵唔到,至一併打封信,解釋你盡過力都搵唔到,仲有原因.... 我上個月申請時打夾埋封解釋信,講點解提交唔到四位祖父母出世紙同結婚證明,而家等緊批。


我愛大乳牛 2019-6-13 15:08:47 如果我個朋友bno已過期,幫我副簽,approve個機會大唔大

身邊個個都hk passport
小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 15:11:03 如果佢地係香港出世或注冊結婚,可以去入境處俾錢申請核證副本。
小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 15:12:06 屌你,忽然多左好多唔睇doc伸手黨,我閃先!
希魔 2019-6-13 15:15:39 護照會過期
薮下楓 2019-6-13 15:25:47 btw 我見要求係 plain-light 背景就ok
好似無話一定要白 灰
我屋企牆身淺藍 自拍都過左
此處不留萌 2019-6-13 15:32:58 其實係方便左好多
az-687 2019-6-13 15:42:01
走大橋看豬西 2019-6-13 15:43:01 想問下
我搞哂成份form 出左pex code比我
我再睇佢叫我send 果d文件

小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 16:05:36


Additional Documents
You need to send additional documents in the following cases.
Title on your passport
You can include:
professional titles - for example, doctor, judge, minister of religion, professor, QC, or JP if you’re a magistrate
honours or military decorations
You’ll need to send a document or letter that gives details of the title.
Your title will be on the ‘observations’ page of your passport - it will not be part of your name, except if it’s a title of nobility, for example knight, dame or a lord.
British National Overseas (BNO)
If you’re renewing your British National Overseas (BNO) passport send the following:
a colour copy of both sides of your Hong Kong permanent identity card
走大橋看豬西 2019-6-13 16:07:47



走大橋看豬西 2019-6-13 16:08:40 定係
the passport used to enter the country from which you are applying (if this applies)
小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 16:13:39 呢版捲到近尾,有呢段野,你再於 additional documents 篤入去下一版就見到。

If any of the following apply, you need to send additional documents:
include a professional, or other title on your passport
apply for a British National Overseas (BNO) passport
apply for a first child passport under the EU Settlement Scheme
apply for a passport under treaty rights
change your gender on your passport
get a first UK passport based on your parents’ Crown or Community service
get a first UK passport if you were born abroad but adopted in the UK before 1 January 1983
get a first UK passport if you were adopted abroad and you haven’t naturalised or registered
get a first UK passport if you were born in the Philippines, or your parents are married or divorced and have links to the Philippines
apply for a first UK passport if you were born through surrogacy
apply for a British Protected Person passport
走大橋看豬西 2019-6-13 16:19:26

一次過color copy哂本passport 真係覺得下世要做樹
小喬佑佑 2019-6-13 16:28:28 我全部野都係公司搞,先scan做PDF再colour print,順便當作幫自己同父母證件做一次數碼化儲存,落密碼zip好再放晒上兩個雲端,將來做難民走佬都隨時可以拎返出黎做身份證明,如果收到新BNO後會做埋..