amd cpu&gpu 討論post #15 睇#1&有時間幫手填表
堂前三擊掌 2019-6-20 18:17:18 master啦


Sheva 2019-6-20 18:34:32
ENELOOP 2019-6-20 18:36:03
其實都預左 吹水大會
四糸乃(TOTS棄驚) 2019-6-20 18:36:50 想直接屌對特價緊嘅1.4V 4133 CL19

但行唔行到3600 CL16 @ 1.35V
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 18:39:37 正常都係等正式review先評論值不值得買
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 18:40:49 歐洲訂價有稅率加左先咁高
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 18:43:20 行1:1定1:2
HAMHAM 2019-6-20 18:44:04 B450/x470 行到ran 3600 MHz?
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 18:46:35 等7月7日imc review
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 20:09:19 Interview: AMD explains what PCIe 4.0 offers now and in the future

Newegg Insider : In consumer and practical terms, what is PCIe 4.0 going to offer people?

Donny Woligroski (Ryzen) : The people who are consuming the most bandwidth tend to be the hardcore users. So a guy who wants to run RAID NVMe is going to see the biggest difference over a guy running RAID with PCIe gen three. Aside from that, to be completely honest, it’s more of a leadership position. It’s chicken or egg. If nobody is pushing the technology, then what are we doing? Why are we doing this, right?

You might hear somebody say “we don’t need it yet.” Well if we wait until we need it, then it’s not going to happen for ten years. So you build it and they come. Right away all the storage guys were on board. Right away our Radeon arm’s on board with the first PCIe gen four graphics card.

There’s a value to pushing technology for its own sake. You get that future-proof platform. We aren’t saying you’ve got to buy an X570 motherboard. Go buy a 470, go buy a 450. It’s just an option. A nice option.

Mithun Chandrasekhar (Radeon) : If you buy a brand spanking new X570 motherboard and a 3rd gen Ryzen, you need to go with a 5700 series GPU to be able to make full use of PCIe gen 4. […] It’s very similar to CPUs. For the longest period of time, Intel wasn’t really innovating. Even their high-end gaming CPUs were all four-core, eight-thread. And then Ryzen came along and blew everything away. And all of a sudden game developers are like, “Wow, I have eight cores, twelve cores, even sixteen cores to play with. I can start doing some creative things.”

Likewise, for a multitude of reasons, gen 3 has been the standard for GPUs for a few years now. Again, we want to take that leadership role. So for the Radeon RX 5700 series we thought that this is the right time to transition to gen 4. 3DMark is actually going to be building out an extension to their 3DMark benchmark which now includes a gen 4 test. And you can see that gen 3 versus gen 4, the raw bandwidth is roughly doubled.

But this is theoretical. What does this mean? For games it’s going to take a while, because game developers need to see more of these GPUs out there, to start making use of this additional bandwidth. But here and now today, in content creation type workloads, this is DaVinci Resolve, you can see that on a gen 3 platform without the RX 5700, versus a gen 4 platform that is fully the 3rd gen Ryzen and the RX 5700, you can now create raw 8K content up to 60 frames per second, which is amazing.
讓位專員 2019-6-20 20:11:34 PCIe 4.0 係咩黎


リトルプリンス 2019-6-20 20:17:13 唔值
機會係留比飛雲 2019-6-20 20:24:08 x470好似有得update bios用到PCIe 4.0
堂前三擊掌 2019-6-20 20:28:16 mo了
リトルプリンス 2019-6-20 20:30:02 amd講咗唔得
機會係留比飛雲 2019-6-20 20:31:23

リトルプリンス 2019-6-20 20:33:13 我買住b450-f算
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 20:39:01 之後如果有pcie5.0出來 又不是值?
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 20:39:19
PCIe 4.0 係咩黎
之後如果有pcie5.0出來 又不是不值?
リトルプリンス 2019-6-20 20:44:15 咁要睇你用嚟做咩比如剪8k片就要用pcie4

但係依家pcie 4太夠
リトルプリンス 2019-6-20 20:45:11 太貴


Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 20:45:54 Explaining AMD's Misleading Marketing: X264 Stream Quality & Benchmarks
Jacksjoke 2019-6-20 20:51:09 Pcie 4.0 比 Pcie 3.0 多左一陪頻寬 而呢一陪頻寬用chipset io上 會有好大進步
你要 chipset io 高擴充度 而不損失 GPU Pcie X16 3條M.2可以全速冇損失 一定上X570
リトルプリンス 2019-6-20 20:53:04 我之係有用但係太貴等下代算
木耳第n+1號 2019-6-20 21:41:18 此回覆已被刪除