爵士是未來 2019-6-17 02:02:02


牛愛行後樓梯 2019-6-17 02:05:09
OneKiss 2019-6-17 02:08:10 其實我想問係歐美樂壇係咪爆紅左一隻歌已經可以賺好多錢
Let say all about that bass 咁
爵士是未來 2019-6-17 02:09:03
Pretty_Explicit 2019-6-17 02:09:58
爵士是未來 2019-6-17 02:10:45
Jamieson 2019-6-17 02:19:39 如果首歌好出名應該真係可以捱到幾年
之前聽Jessie J講佢有份作嘅Party in USA夠佢俾3年租
連登女皇首AATB咁紅 之後打嗰幾首單曲都算hit
應該真係un un腳唔使做都得
爵士是未來 2019-6-17 02:24:44
爵士是未來 2019-6-17 02:28:49
7r 2019-6-17 02:33:11 Her again

7r 2019-6-17 02:35:20 你睇Lil Nas X靠OTR都變到成個富豪咁啦


az26 2019-6-17 02:39:29 攰到飛起
7r 2019-6-17 02:39:57
7r 2019-6-17 02:40:35 自由閪閪閪又會無限期擱置
az26 2019-6-17 02:42:04 對於閪閪閪
7r 2019-6-17 02:43:35 開咗soundcloud ac未

Karma’s not a liar,
We keep receipts
If.U.Seek.Amy. 2019-6-17 02:46:13 睇吓Adele出先定閪閪閪出先
Pretty_Explicit 2019-6-17 02:49:06 即係暫緩
一直是一個人 2019-6-17 05:15:02
7r 2019-6-17 13:21:51 Taylor Swift breaks another record as “Lover” becomes the most pre-ordered album in Apple Music history!

“... and is at more than 222,400 pre-orders”.
7r 2019-6-17 13:22:46 11 years ago today, Katy Perry released her 2nd studio album, ‘One of the Boys.’

Despite debuting at #9 on the Billboard 200, the album is now certified PLATINUM and spawned the hits “I Kissed a Girl” and “Hot n Cold.” Perry was later nominated for 2 Grammys for the tracks.


7r 2019-6-17 13:30:35 Jay-Z will be hiring a lawyer to assist a family with their case after a video surfaced online of the cops pointing their guns at their child for stealing a doll at Family Dollar. (via XXL)
7r 2019-6-17 13:39:42 Poppy // Choke // June 19
avrillavigne 2019-6-17 14:21:15
avrillavigne 2019-6-17 14:22:36 Rumour
The big surprise is Katy Perry, who’s the last to come at the party. In the end, Taylor says "Is that you?" & it cuts to Katy smiling & wearing shirt with the title of the feat.