「大貨已到」Oneplus 集中討論區(19)
忍者龜頭很大. 2019-6-30 11:53:16 跟,但張貼麻麻地


立野酒仁 2019-6-30 13:51:51 想問有冇人買咗歐洲版/美國版?
已讀或回 2019-6-30 16:04:00 7pro 大家用緊咩Mon 貼

想換機但係睇到曲Mon 會有mon貼既問題,真心不了
高僧 2019-6-30 17:55:59 無問題的
高僧 2019-6-30 17:56:29 買全膠 UV應該唔會太差
立野酒仁 2019-6-30 18:27:19 你意思係買國行都一樣?
希望在明天丫嘛 2019-6-30 20:00:55 唔係 真係官方網 不過我寄深圳地址
紅色的白色 2019-6-30 22:07:19 想問下各位點解Lock Screen好似用左另一隻Coloring Setting咁?
因為當禁入啲Notification既details或者unlock既時候 會感受到色溫好明顯咁由冷轉暖
晉王司馬懿 2019-6-30 22:11:48 買uv 真係靚好多
咁三分波呢? 2019-7-1 10:08:12 你開咗夜間模式
紅色的白色 2019-7-1 10:11:40 我冇開任何模式 只係唔同wallpaper


咁三分波呢? 2019-7-1 10:16:00 螢幕顏色模式戈個setting有冇搞過?
紅色的白色 2019-7-1 10:39:36 我用Vivid咋

估計係佢lock screen用左第二個screen calibration
Xposed 2019-7-1 10:58:00
毒撚唔易做 2019-7-1 12:12:32 lock screen時係偏黃
撳d通知睇先會變返正常 我估係design黎
屎提芬味咖哩🍛 2019-7-1 13:39:54 今年仲會唔會出 T ?
碌鳩敲鋼琴 2019-7-1 15:50:11 想問op7兩個問題:
2)有冇type c轉3.5介紹?我見有d連埋充電,但驚會有電流聲
今天應該很 2019-7-1 16:11:43
望乜撚野? 2019-7-1 16:27:30 唔係兩個喇叭位 一邊係mic 一邊係喇叭
碌鳩敲鋼琴 2019-7-1 17:07:31 多謝ching
▁▂▃▃▂▁ 2019-7-1 17:27:47 咩黎?


打平手友梨奈 2019-7-1 18:34:08
阿水 2019-7-1 19:14:02
插頭故障 2019-7-1 19:40:49 We sincerely apologize for the two accidental notification push messages that some OnePlus 7 Pro users received 2 hours ago.

As soon as we noticed the mistake, we performed a round of in-depth investigations with the related teams to identify the cause. The push messages occurred while the OxygenOS team was conducting a software test for the upcoming Android Q system update. Due to an error during the testing process, we accidentally pushed a routine test message to some of our OnePlus 7 Pro OxygenOS users.

The notification push function is designed mainly as a survey tool to help us better understand our users’ feedback and to further improve the user experience, and is based on the Google FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Protocol. Therefore, we want to reassure that this incident does not indicate any risks for your personal data.

We are immediately implementing new processes to ensure this cannot happen again.

Never Settle

口裡說不鳥 2019-7-1 19:58:13