prokofiev 2019-7-22 00:50:48 I’ve wanted to go on a world cruise 🚢 exploring new islands 🌴 for a long time but the cruise ships 🛳 in Japan 🇯🇵 that I looked at are all out of commission. Dream cruise is currently out of commission by power failures and broken components and it won’t be back in commission for half a year. Costa cruise which is also out of commission for repairs will be back in commission in November. Oh well 😔 I recommend climbing 🧗🏻‍♂️ Mount Fuji 🗻 even though you’re outside Tokyo because the higher cost of traveling there is offset by cheap admission fee. It’s an arduous climb but the view is worth it. In fact my friend who went there last month showed me her photos taken there by which I was awestruck. At night the nearby lakes reflect the beauty of the stars ✨ and Mount Fuji 🗻 giving a double view of the starry sky and the mountains. The outline of Mount Fuji 🗻 is sharply defined against the starry nights by which you’ll be awestruck. She said it was well worth it for the view from the top and the confidence that she had gained afterwards. Again, the low admission charge offsets the rising transportation fees. So it’s definitely worth a visit ! There’s an elegant cafe nearby of which the interior and the exterior are exquisitely and artistically designed. I enjoy drinking coffee ☕️ and relaxing there so much that I make it worth the barista’s while every time. The other day I bought a pair of trainers 👟 for my Japanese friend Aiko. She said she would pay me back if I got her those trainers 👟 Looks like she sold me a bill of goods. On the same day I bought a new Chanel watch but I’m wondering if this really is authentic. I might have bought a pup. Aiko and I are both fans of Vince Carter. He was an exciting slam dunker who was worth his weight in gold to his team. Don’t get me wrong - I still enjoy watching him play even though he’s past his prime. I must say he’s made fairly good progress with his three point shooting since he left Raptors. Unfortunately his leg injury has progressed fairly quickly over the past three and a half months causing him to be sidelined for eight weeks through injury.


prokofiev 2019-7-22 00:52:14 I’ve wanted to go on a world cruise 🚢 exploring new islands 🌴 for a long time but the cruise ships 🛳 in Japan 🇯🇵 that I looked at are all out of commission. Dream cruise is currently out of commission by power failures and broken components and it won’t be back in commission for half a year. Costa cruise which is also out of commission for repairs will be back in commission in November. Oh well 😔 I recommend climbing 🧗🏻‍♂️ Mount Fuji 🗻 even though you’re outside Tokyo because the higher cost of traveling there is offset by cheap admission fee. It’s an arduous climb but the view is worth it. In fact my friend who went there last month showed me her photos taken there by which I was awestruck. At night the nearby lakes reflect the beauty of the stars ✨ and Mount Fuji 🗻 giving a double view of the starry sky and the mountains. The outline of Mount Fuji 🗻 is sharply defined against the starry nights by which you’ll be awestruck. She said it was well worth it for the view from the top and the confidence that she had gained afterwards. Again, the low admission charge offsets the rising transportation fees. So it’s definitely worth a visit ! There’s an elegant cafe nearby of which the interior and the exterior are exquisitely and artistically designed. I enjoy drinking coffee ☕️ and relaxing there so much that I make it worth the barista’s while every time. The other day I bought a pair of trainers 👟 for my Japanese friend Aiko. She said she would pay me back if I got her those trainers 👟 Looks like she sold me a bill of goods. On the same day I bought a new Chanel watch but I’m wondering if this really is authentic. I might have bought a pup. Aiko and I are both fans of Vince Carter. He was an exciting slam dunker who was worth his weight in gold to his team. Don’t get me wrong - I still enjoy watching him play even though he’s past his prime. I must say he’s made fairly good progress with his three point shooting since he left Raptors. Unfortunately his leg injury has progressed fairly quickly over the past three and a half months causing him to be sidelined for eight weeks through injury.
ミクミク39 2019-7-22 20:15:23 此回覆已被刪除
Unity 2019-7-22 20:30:31 巴打 有冇咩平既租屋網推介?
存在、知、悟 2019-7-22 22:01:11
ミクミク39 2019-7-22 23:22:30 此回覆已被刪除
Unity 2019-7-23 13:21:20
豬女女女 2019-8-1 11:09:19 樓主仲有無update?
もとひろ 2019-8-1 19:48:06 巴打,我都係borderless house wor


認真其實我覺得幾好住,最緊要真係有同housemate fd 既感覺
這是頑童 2019-8-1 20:48:02 樓主點呀
大腸條大腸 2019-8-1 23:14:09 住係真係幾好住
慶幸既係我D HOUSEMATE全部都好好人


unreal_engine 2019-8-1 23:28:37 我都係11月去
unreal_engine 2019-8-1 23:29:06 可以一齊去有個照應
マリーゴールド 2019-8-1 23:31:06
這是頑童 2019-8-1 23:33:41 我應該去大阪 或京都先
unreal_engine 2019-8-2 01:17:59 原本諗住頭幾個月stay東京/關東地區,
不過上網揾租屋資訊睇 東京d屋租都幾貴下
, 大阪租屋反而平d。 而家臨臨下都係出年2020 奧運6-8月先stay東京,

而家打算頭幾個月stay大阪先 ,貪佢租屋沒東京咁貴先
もとひろ 2019-8-2 06:09:40 呢間野嚴到要interview,其實都遇左大部分人都幾nice ,
大腸條大腸 2019-8-2 11:07:19 個INTERVIEW都係簡單問題姐
這是頑童 2019-8-2 12:48:39
至少1個人 唔洗咁毒
もとひろ 2019-8-2 18:51:00 呢間唔錯,佢主打housemate 之間要有家人感
官網可以知道housemate係咩國藉,怕有支那人可以check 左先,同埋一定會有一半租客係日本人
缺點係貴,同埋party 活動一多洗費就大
這是頑童 2019-8-2 19:07:48 好有趣

如果自己租屋 其實係唔係差唔太遠


もとひろ 2019-8-2 19:15:28 租屋前要比一堆首付手續費個啲,仲要自己買傢俬,一年除番開同正常sharehouse 應該差不多

頑張ってるんだぁ 2019-8-2 22:12:01 樓主

大腸條大腸 2019-8-3 02:38:46 睇你鍾唔鍾意同人吹水啦
這是頑童 2019-8-3 11:59:35 正呀

不過睇個d租 要6萬幾円
出去出面 有d平單人都租到
