[你地班垃圾學下長老啦]曼聯終極FF轉會新聞暨吹水區 [616]
沒離開過 2019-5-27 19:48:43 [Skysports]
De ligt is now struggling to join Manchester United or Barcelona. Current CEO of Ajax FC Van der Sar, national team captain Delay Blind and Memphis Depay tried their best to persuade the Dutch moving to their former club.

Memphis Depay is set to remain in Lyon for one more year.

Frankie De jong regretted joining Barcelona since Arturo Vidal may leave for Inter this summer.


旺角普巴 2019-5-27 19:49:57
Ga大勢 2019-5-27 19:51:25 depay,盲
浴缸裡的貓 2019-5-27 19:52:47 估唔到迪比仲會幫手講好說話
你好野我地走 2019-5-27 19:53:14 越吹越多人勸佢
沒離開過 2019-5-27 19:53:17 佢都算好來好去啦
又唔係鬧翻左 係真係打唔掂姐果陣
毀屍函 2019-5-27 19:53:47
沒離開過 2019-5-27 19:58:50 [Skysports]
Real Madrid offered £84m to Napoli, for Kalidou Koulibaly. Napoli set to accept the offer.

Sergio Ramos interested in joining Juventus

Kaylor Navas and Gareth Bale were asked to leave Real Madrid. Both are welcomed to join Paris Saint Germain under Tuchel.
無止境的冗 2019-5-27 19:59:34
浴缸裡的貓 2019-5-27 20:01:13 嗰時睇佢post 練波片都知佢好態度
沒離開過 2019-5-27 20:03:37 點都好過果兩個老夫子


海眠害害 2019-5-27 20:05:09 加埋屎譚 vps 啦
真曼。靴里拉 2019-5-27 20:07:55 1億唔撚放畀曼?
沒離開過 2019-5-27 20:08:29 Mark up 30%是常識吧
神犬謝拉特 2019-5-27 20:10:18 咁抵拿波里收少30M
Googleの人 2019-5-27 20:13:04 球皇 gif 一隊班垃圾人人 cap 幾幅出黎有咩難
Ga大勢 2019-5-27 20:20:56 件曼聯碧咸全setno.7賣緊949
我是草食男 2019-5-27 20:28:59 如果係真既話真係笑撚死

我是草食男 2019-5-27 20:30:54 再報流料我報驚
沒離開過 2019-5-27 20:33:43 尋日都報緊
梳b 2019-5-27 20:38:19


零秒出口 2019-5-27 20:41:36 10點睇T仔
沈門綠燈俠 2019-5-27 20:41:52 男人老狗著XS
Luke爸 2019-5-27 20:43:25 Fake news
我係夜神月 2019-5-27 20:49:04 可能巴打好瘦