amd cpu&gpu 討論post #13 睇#1&有時間幫手填表
ABC平民 2019-5-27 19:23:19 進入新時代

8T 以下低階U, 12T-16T中階U, 16T以上高階U


Jacksjoke 2019-5-27 19:30:13 Lisa Su: You Will Definitely See More Threadrippers From Us


Tom's Hardware attended a press reception with AMD CEO Lisa Su directly after her keynote announcing the Third-Gen Ryzen processors and AMD's new Radeon RX5000 Navi graphics cards. During the conversation, Lisa Su reiterated AMD's commitment to its Threadripper platform, which recently went missing from the company's official roadmaps, as we reported here.

Su did not elaborate on the why the processors went missing from the roadmap, or when the company will bring the next-gen models to market, saying "I don't think that we ever said Threadripper was not going to continue, it somehow took on a life of its own on the internet. You will see more Threadrippers from us. You will definitely see more Threadrippers from us."

Su elaborated that AMD loves the high end desktop market, and said that the platform has done well for the company in content creation and workstation markets.

The story did take a life of its own. Tom's Hardware originally reported on the mysterious removal of the processor from AMD's roadmaps and pinged the company for an official comment, but did not receive one. Other outlets ran with the story, implying the processor was canceled. Luckily for the enthusiasts in the crowd, now we know that isn't the case.

Su did not present or mention any information about the next-gen Threadripper platform during her presentation. Su did state that the journalists in attendance might learn more about AMD's recent developments at E3 in ten days, stay tuned.,39460.html
リトルプリンス 2019-5-27 19:33:19 game 商係偏向 intel
歐洲貴族 2019-5-27 19:34:22 即係要等7月7之後?
リトルプリンス 2019-5-27 19:35:00 屌我買咗三國
小小小心 2019-5-27 19:35:34 冇分別
堂前三擊掌 2019-5-27 19:35:47 3700 or 3800夠啦
麻瓜青蛙 2019-5-27 19:35:56 咁amd 依加勁過intel 3-4成咪cum返條數囉
Jacksjoke 2019-5-27 19:37:07 而家睇 amd marketing 度點改善品牌形象
OEM廠 開始留意 Ryzen OEM 市場
小小小心 2019-5-27 19:37:08 玩開高解像
唔明1080p 既世界
ENELOOP 2019-5-27 19:48:01 要睇實際價錢睇下點


廿凜 2019-5-27 19:55:21 1440p都唔係好高炸喎
小小小心 2019-5-27 19:56:09 高過普通1440咁解
4k 你冇2080Ti你玩到咩
廿凜 2019-5-27 20:04:05 都算玩到


34吋3440x1440 ppi密度=27吋2560x1440
機會係留比飛雲 2019-5-27 20:04:33 仲用緊1600不過開始屌唔住
諗住出3700x + itx b板

Jacksjoke 2019-5-27 20:05:32 b550冇咁快出
板廠搞緊 b450 refresh
ABC平民 2019-5-27 20:08:24 b450 refresh 有乜好搞?
AMD_Yes! 2019-5-27 20:09:44 唔知B板有冇PCIE4.0
谷歌搜尋器 2019-5-27 20:16:05 睇下3700X配咩板好啦
堂前三擊掌 2019-5-27 20:16:18 佢地係講送total war
機會係留比飛雲 2019-5-27 20:16:47 要捱貴板了



Jacksjoke 2019-5-27 20:17:28 加強供電&改善底板布線
堂前三擊掌 2019-5-27 20:17:34
9900k係total war三國輸俾膠爸 @4k
相川七瀬 2019-5-27 20:18:56 唔知到時底板幾錢
廿凜 2019-5-27 20:19:19 why