LIHKG (霸氣cup)北倫敦旅行團
宗仔 2019-6-20 23:40:42 For example, [Giménez] made his Uruguay debut in place of Godín in a 2-0 World Cup qualifying win over Colombia and rattled Radamel Falcao, then at his peak. “I couldn’t concentrate as Giménez was driving me crazy,” the forward later recalled. “He asked me questions. First, he asked me what car I had. When I was explaining it, he had already gone and was waiting to meet a cross. That was only the start. Then he asked me why the flags of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela have the same colours. Next he came over to me and told me it was his debut, that he was very happy and that he would get a tattoo of the date of his match, asking me if September was spelled with or without a ‘p’. I ended up missing the chance to jump for a cross. He drove me crazy.”



Arsene_Wenger 2019-6-20 23:42:09 有咩教練就有咩球員

羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-20 23:45:05 佢唔差去到下體比施蒙尼教應該幾勁
年初肆四 2019-6-20 23:45:44 on9
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-20 23:46:05 寧願賣渣GA要llorente
Arsene_Wenger 2019-6-20 23:46:18 而家下體會買d人
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-20 23:47:29 馬體買工兵就勁,進攻球員
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-21 18:45:46 阿狗垃圾到中超斯高都簽唔到
淚b 2019-6-21 18:51:58
屎狗 2019-6-21 19:29:24 都唔知幾時先有得出
淚b 2019-6-21 19:30:47 marketing


屎狗 2019-6-21 20:29:12 我廠個日本仔又敗走
淚b 2019-6-21 20:36:25 久保勁好多 但都未夠料 同埋日本人身體質素好難立足歐洲頂級球會
時間布 2019-6-21 23:17:03
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-22 14:10:20 1001
年初肆四 2019-6-22 14:29:19
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-22 14:50:50
伊禾乙 2019-6-22 15:24:47
羅賓雲佩斯 2019-6-22 16:42:00