[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(29) MBP靜靜雞細更新
天滅笨士 2019-7-2 19:07:21 有budget嘅當然有大買大


咪嘈啦好煩啊 2019-7-2 21:25:01 都唔會一年出兩部啦,5月先出
特強幸福 2019-7-2 21:29:31 多謝

Porsche718 2019-7-2 22:15:46 此回覆已被刪除
Apple首席打手 2019-7-2 22:22:41 隨便問
聽日要返工正 2019-7-2 23:06:11 我Set idle auto shutdown,定時自動awake 幫另一部機做Backup
賤男 2019-7-2 23:24:17 MacBook Pro retina 2012mid
Graphic card NVIDIA GeForce gt 650m 1gb
Intel he graphic 4000
白石惠. 2019-7-3 01:51:04 好易用,慢慢學同習慣就okay,上網睇下啲快捷鍵
四架坦克 2019-7-3 03:04:05

Apple Receives FCC Approval for Unreleased MacBook Pro
Apple this week received FCC approval for an unreleased MacBook Pro with a model number of A2159, which is one of the model numbers that was recently registered with the Eurasian Economic Commission.

In the FCC documentation, Apple specifies that the unreleased A2159 machine is a MacBook Pro, which is curious as the MacBook Pro already received a 2019 refresh in May.

A2159 is a model that was not included in the May update, and it's not entirely clear what it is. As a Reddit user points out, the back of the machine says that it's rated at 20.3V - 3A Max, which is equivalent to 61W, perhaps suggesting a refreshed 13-inch MacBook Pro.

There's a possibility that Apple is planning to launch an updated 13-inch MacBook Pro without a Touch Bar, which is one of the machines that did not receive a May update. The non-Touch Bar 13-inch MacBook Pro has not seen a refresh since 2017.

Update: The FCC has pulled all of the documentation on the new A2159 machine.
八支八支半 2019-7-3 07:56:30 去天才吧整機係咪咩都唔洗帶
GNGW4 2019-7-3 09:03:49 Touch bar 出咗一段時間,都好似唔係咁多人受落咁


國際牌黑絲 2019-7-3 09:55:30 有得俾我選擇嘅話
我一定唔會要條touch bar
Elend_Venture 2019-7-3 10:01:09 無錯
條bar 連apple 自己都無乜app 有做optimisation,何況係其他3rd party app
邊爐友 2019-7-3 10:18:53 同butterfly keyboard 一樣 趕客用的
touchbar 個位熱撚到呢
p.s.尋日幫ms 清舊貨買咗surface book 2
八支八支半 2019-7-3 10:20:10 book 左星期日整

雷蛇苦主_沈判 2019-7-3 11:18:49 此回覆已被刪除
八支八支半 2019-7-3 11:23:25 咁2017 呢
雷蛇苦主_沈判 2019-7-3 11:29:56 此回覆已被刪除
特強幸福 2019-7-3 12:13:40 其實點樣轉語言

四架坦克 2019-7-3 12:26:37 我用緊部2018 13" TB,應該係近10年我用過最唔順手既device

anyway我估呢一部機係nTB用2019 TB既KB,四核Intel 15W CPU,其他野都係舊
JJ比你大 2019-7-3 12:35:24 想買部27吋imac 5k for間唔中剪下4k片用 apple個sales話GPU升做vega對剪片render快2,30%左右 是咪真係咁簡單?


四架坦克 2019-7-3 12:59:04 你用開咩NLE,同埋用咩相機既codec? 兩樣野可以好影響你應該揀咩CPU/GPU/OS先拎到好效能
藤原拓海 2019-7-3 14:28:12 好苦惱

部2016 mbp 13 (touch bar) 愈黎愈慢,加上最近做野多左要執相/剪片/3d modeling
換新mbp 15吋又嫌大&重,如果換翻13個spec又唔知夠唔夠用
windows notebook d spec好似靚好多,但又用慣左mac...

名師出鳩童 2019-7-3 14:31:41
有無product 可以幫部 15' mbp 出到 display port 4K 60fps?
四架坦克 2019-7-3 14:32:43 用到壞先算,除非你係搵食而佢慢既程度已經影響你效率以至收入
同埋好似上面巴打一樣,你用開咩NLE同埋codec? 如果唔係用FCPX同埋ProRes的話係無必要忍macOS