[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(29) MBP靜靜雞細更新
四架坦克 2019-6-28 18:47:54 你講得咁少,我地可以點慫恿你


四架坦克 2019-6-28 18:48:43 如果真係用新CPU更新,應該會同價
無題 2019-6-28 18:51:10 追左頭post, 主要開兩三個vm 行linux windows, 得閒打下code 玩下android studio, 2017 mbp 16g ram 應該可以戰多5年?
一點一橫 2019-6-28 18:59:50 2012 年Macbook air 換機, 換乜都係一個upgrade 啦
雷蛇苦主_沈判 2019-6-28 19:02:23 此回覆已被刪除
彭于晏. 2019-6-28 23:43:36 好撚on9 mbp d keyboard會有個印係個mon到
藍絲大廚 2019-6-28 23:52:03 想問下 2015版macbook 建唔建議裝新OS?
不知火祈 2019-6-29 00:23:11 此回覆已被刪除
看不到人生 2019-6-29 02:20:57 請問,我諗住係岀面d店買macbook air 平過原價千幾,會唔會有咩伏
Shakespeare 2019-6-29 21:16:30 想買imac 27”, 570X 同 575X 差得遠唔遠?值唔值俾多千幾?thx
國道58 2019-6-30 03:03:16 完全無諗過會有呢d問題




連詩雅粉絲 2019-6-30 08:16:40 此回覆已被刪除
AidanC 2019-6-30 10:12:23 諗緊買唔買macbook pro 2019好 作用係sketchup autocad photoshop 閒時上網咁樣
唔知sketchup ren圖會唔會吃力 諗住21999 加錢升32Gb ram
國道58 2019-6-30 11:28:57 坦巴點睇apple store有得賣果款G-tech portable G drive?

我見同一牌子一隻係叫G drive USB, 大舊d同埋機後有電制,有其他插野位

AidanC 2019-6-30 13:00:23 同埋想問埋係咪card centre一定會幫無分?因為家母話人地未必肯
柒少陣當幫忙 2019-6-30 13:05:09 我岩岩買左部電話13" MBP

白狗鞦韆架 2019-6-30 15:26:24 此回覆已被刪除
肥到冇人有 2019-6-30 16:31:14 你想問乜?乜野會幫無分?
四架坦克 2019-6-30 18:11:35 https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apple-identifies-logic-board-issue-with-very-small-number-of-2018-macbook-airs-will-fix-free-of-charge.2187924/
Apple Identifies Logic Board Issue With 'Very Small Number' of 2018 MacBook Airs, Will Fix Free of Charge
Apple has identified an undisclosed issue with the logic board in "a very small number" of 2018 MacBook Air units, according to an internal document distributed to Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Service Providers on Friday. The document was obtained by MacRumors from a source who has proven reliable.

Apple will replace the main logic board in affected MacBook Air units, free of charge. Apple will also send an email to affected customers to let them know that their notebooks are eligible for a main logic board replacement. Apple did not provide any specific details or symptoms pertaining to the "issue."

2018 MacBook Air owners can visit Apple's support website to schedule an appointment with an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider. When the serial number of an affected MacBook Air is entered into Apple's internal repair system, a message will direct technicians to replace the logic board.

Apple will authorize coverage within four years of the MacBook Air's original purchase date. If the notebook has accidental damage that the customer does not want repaired, technicians are instructed to proceed with the logic board replacement at no cost as long as the damage does not prevent completion of the repair.

If accidental damage does prevent the logic board replacement from being completed, Apple says the customer must pay for necessary repairs in order to get the logic board replaced at no cost.

Apple has not publicly announced this repair policy, likely due to what it believes is a very small number of affected customers. While we are confident this information is accurate, as it comes from a consistently reliable source, we cannot guarantee that all Apple employees will acknowledge the policy.
Penthrite 2019-6-30 19:41:03 只要有一部冇事=very small number
AidanC 2019-7-1 00:10:05 無野了 今日去左橙色個間鋪到問左 原來升級完可以係佢到訂埋 做免息分期


Dinoisthebest 2019-7-1 01:32:52
星空小王子 2019-7-1 02:57:14 我之前倒瀉水無得救了

皇甫離離 2019-7-1 04:26:58 借問MacBook pro 2012版
皇甫離離 2019-7-1 04:36:49 13吋