POE Legion League 8/6
國際服PoE 2019-6-3 16:02:14 仲有CA,toxic rain


陳鈺琪男友(壞咗) 2019-6-3 16:03:02 聽日開始會有youtube片出guide講咩build起手最好

預測都係cyclone tectonic slam呢類會熱門

DeadlineFighter 2019-6-3 16:08:09 之前抄開大隻仔

國際服PoE 2019-6-3 16:10:54 100/40呢啲唔會強求,覺得夠fun自然會去到呢個stage,如果個league柒迫自己解真係好辛苦,當然36就基本野
彈波仔 2019-6-3 17:34:15 旋風斬 無死錯人
➿➿➿➿ 2019-6-3 17:57:14 大隻仔build個個拎黎炒 不了
與哈妮共舞 2019-6-3 18:05:45 次次抄佢d starter build咩都變晒天價 屌佢老味
DeadlineFighter 2019-6-3 18:13:44 有邊個streamer啲starter build抄得過
➿➿➿➿ 2019-6-3 18:17:21 樓主
你一直在玩 2019-6-3 18:22:16 slayer cyclone就安全既 抄番之前既BUILD就用得
哥倫布歐 2019-6-3 19:25:11 abyssus洗唔洗5ex


你一直在玩 2019-6-3 19:28:26 雙手武唔會用佢
哥倫布歐 2019-6-3 19:32:26 想玩30aps zerker molten strike
➿➿➿➿ 2019-6-3 19:34:50 其實有預感ms會nerf
melee rework一定伴隨好多buff
再buff 佢啲波咁overlap 法冇可能balance到
就好似以前proj shotgun咁
哥倫布歐 2019-6-3 19:39:17 唔知會點改呢
夠鐘轉一轉 2019-6-3 20:58:15 玩dot用唔到herald mtx
國際服PoE 2019-6-4 09:27:21 呢個都真,起手係好勁,不過無打擊感又唔夠花又無聲,所以我都唔中意玩dot
你一直在玩 2019-6-4 09:38:13
陳鈺琪男友(壞咗) 2019-6-4 09:39:25 幾時先有完整patchnotes
國際服PoE 2019-6-4 10:21:52 聽日
陳鈺琪男友(壞咗) 2019-6-4 10:37:55 desert spring t15


你一直在玩 2019-6-4 10:40:07 We've decided that Winter Orb, Storm Brand, Bane and Soulrend were too powerful for clearing through content without heavy investment, so the damage and other aspects have been reduced in power.

Warlord’s Mark now only applies its leech bonus to attacks. The curse easily solved mana problems for casters with minimal investment, and after deliberation we've decided that solving mana problems for spellcasters should require more thought and a greater opportunity cost.

Herald of Agony has had its minion damage per Virulence reduced, as the skill provided a huge amount of power for very little passive investment.

你一直在玩 2019-6-4 10:43:01 Bm個改動幾正
你一直在玩 2019-6-4 10:44:58 HH 又改低drop rate
你一直在玩 2019-6-4 10:46:38 穩陣起見可能arc/gc mine 起手先