紅孩兒 2019-8-14 09:46:54 仲有ifc,有海景,個view係靚到幾醒神,但一半area for PT,peak hour超多人,除非你係Ifc 返工,唔係去第二間好啲。


asdfcvb 2019-8-14 10:43:40 請問知唔知pure ifc 咩價錢?
紅孩兒 2019-8-14 10:52:41 11xx - 12xx Corp plan(上年價)
join得ifc就不如all club啦,好似差幾百蚊
無嘢可以輸 2019-8-14 11:01:48 南區有無gym推介?
肥絲Bam左Bam埋右 2019-8-14 13:18:27 好詳細解釋

我無friend refer ,麻煩絲打
ShawnMendesIsHot 2019-8-14 20:34:24 留tg
晴寶寶(假膠) 2019-8-14 22:34:29

唔join你咪唔join你 咁撚串
Oz 2019-8-14 23:44:53 https://t.me/ozowen
TSLA 2019-8-16 11:09:24 247北角果間如何?
食屎仔 2019-8-16 13:55:27 有無人試過屯門24/7 同埋anytime fitness
夏目貴志 2019-8-16 14:01:31 等緊屯門24/7 本新講8-9月開


食屎仔 2019-8-16 14:02:01 唔係掛 咁應該焗住玩anytime先
prokofiev 2019-8-16 15:27:15 My friend Jason who’s a gym membership salesman 👨🏻‍💼 is going to send a follow-up email and make a follow-up call to a customer who is interested in joining the ten year membership. I used to work at a gym and whenever a customer paid a visit to the gym I always followed it up with a call or an email. Some of my colleagues followed it up with a visit to the customer’s house. My friend Josh who wants to join the gym has a meeting yesterday and a follow-up has been scheduled for tomorrow. He’s also writing a follow-up to the acclaimed “the invisible man” so he’s so busy that he won’t have time to pay a follow-up visit to the gym for the time being. Therefore I handed Josh the gym membership agreement for Jason and will follow up with him in the next few days. In addition, he complained that he was treated badly at Starbucks. He’ll follow the case up with the manager to be sure that it’ll be dealt with seriously. He recently posted on an online forum to suggest building an art gallery to boost tourism which was supported by many people on the forum. The matter was referred to the district councilor by the forum administrator. They’ll follow up with the district councilor on the matter being discussed. I too will follow up on this issue.
戚袋子 2019-8-16 16:07:19 想問goji抵唔抵玩?想玩兩年membership
賈雨村 2019-8-16 16:07:31 其實冇乜分別啦
1米73給他的意義 2019-8-16 18:42:36 最近黃大仙又齊嘅gym係邊
HKU香港仔 2019-8-16 18:48:12 同問
台灣陸戰隊 2019-8-16 22:39:51 呢間貴到
曼聯險簽部 2019-8-16 22:51:16
黑椒牛丸河 2019-8-16 23:04:47 go24?
TSLA 2019-8-17 00:00:32 24/7 未開..


大日 2019-8-17 00:09:20 好似話現崇山開go24?
可歌可泣 2019-8-17 13:15:57 邊度寫會開
發夢唔好咁大聲 2019-8-17 13:21:07 做左兩年,初時還好,今年開始多人到頂唔順唔去
大日 2019-8-17 16:05:08 都係聽朋友講咋