涉非禮女童影私處 龍緯汶被捕
不如打和啦super 2019-5-18 00:37:22 異常


鬼蓄妹 2019-5-18 00:43:46 死開一兩邊啦條撚樣
Mr.Mean 2019-5-18 01:03:39 你老母死囉
大麻子 2019-5-18 01:16:17
薛定諤的貓 2019-5-18 01:25:12 死變態佬
111111111111 2019-5-18 01:35:10 http://photo.m.pchome.com.tw/p/photo/lwmlung/10/135412468917

依張隻手位置 都過份了
乃木坂飯 2019-5-18 01:37:21 你班仆街假膠撚係咪痴撚左線呀屌你老母


大波龍蝦 2019-5-18 01:41:10 私處呀你老味個西呀姐係 文盲唔好上連登啦屌
大波龍蝦 2019-5-18 01:44:08 你都應該要報警!
大麻子 2019-5-18 01:56:47 十幾年前嘅事,我不同在於無相無證人,難度好高
木咀阿伯二世 2019-5-18 02:01:42



連住尼. 2019-5-18 02:06:10 理得你民主定建制, 幫蝻就抵死啦
猁迷(最強亞軍) 2019-5-18 02:19:41 佢都冇擺影私處張相上網,警察點check到?
QRC 2019-5-18 02:23:02 會唔會係拉左佢再check d 珍藏先搵到?
袁生 2019-5-18 02:25:26 電腦
柿谷曜一朗 2019-5-18 02:29:23 連登仔難得冇炒車
河粉仔 2019-5-18 02:29:40 佢同康橋個淫賤社工都好仆街
貓歡 2019-5-18 02:36:00 兒登仔堅係弱智
點解可以咁廢嘅 2019-5-18 02:44:17 幫佢影相條友都係共犯


同埋呢 乜其他義工唔覺得佢毛手毛腳有可疑架咩
月城雪兔 2019-5-18 02:48:30 做得雞有咩人未見過
QRC 2019-5-18 02:57:10 咪係 雞有d專做傷殘客架


24人共用帳戶 2019-5-18 02:59:06 呢D咪相由心生囉
極速神驅 2019-5-18 03:12:17 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20190518/1447249.htm

極速神驅 2019-5-18 03:17:12 SCMP:
The leader of an ethnic minority concern group has been arrested on suspicion of indecent assault and producing child pornography.

Police received two reports against James Lung Wai-man, 44, on Wednesday and Friday, saying he had conducted unnecessary intimate behaviour with a child on separate occasions.

Lung, who chairs the group Southern Democratic Alliance, which was founded in 2004 with a mission to unite South Asians with Hong Kong locals, was arrested in Tsuen Wan at about 8am on Friday.

Officers escorted him to search his office in Wing Lee Industrial Building on Tong Mi Road, Mong Kok on Friday night.

Two computers and a toilet seat were among the items seized by police.

Michelle Tam Chi-yun, executive director of End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation, said the group was very concerned after receiving a number of complaints against Lung over the past few days about scores of pictures of him posing with girls in public and private settings posted on his Facebook and Instagram.

The pictures were no longer public.

Some of the pictures had been downloaded and circulated online. Some showed Lung carrying a girl in his arms, while others showed a girl sitting on his lap, facing him.

Several images showed a girl lying down in what seemed a private setting with Lung lying behind her.

Tam said the physical contact in the pictures was not necessary and could lead to association with child pornography and paedophilia.

“Any groups dedicated to serve children should provide a safe environment for them, not to hurt them,” Tam said.

She said although the children appeared to be willingly photographed that did not mean the images were acceptable because generally they were not able to distinguish right from wrong and had no knowledge about child pornography and paedophilia.

Any groups dedicated to serve children should provide a safe environment for them, not to hurt them.

Kowloon West regional crime unit was investigating.

Lung ran in the 2008 Legislative Council election in the Kowloon West constituency but his team was defeated.
QRC 2019-5-18 03:40:26