【欲霸不能】阿仙奴18-19球迷吹水區 CMLXXXI
伊禾乙 2019-5-16 23:04:16 借到緊係好


粉果小甜兒😊 2019-5-16 23:04:20
約_翰 2019-5-16 23:07:40 連阿仙奴都要出statement 話對今次決賽安排失望
PD 2019-5-16 23:09:12
Hol79 2019-5-16 23:09:19 如果温布萊踢就好,半個阿狗主場
雲加真的太好 2019-5-16 23:09:30 此回覆已被刪除
Hol79 2019-5-16 23:11:10 係唔係講緊坐飛機坐得耐
A_Milik 2019-5-16 23:11:33 我估係飛太遠唔環保掛
2019-5-16 23:11:48 3.5m都俾唔起跳樓死啦
約_翰 2019-5-16 23:11:58
Couple of footballing notes you might find interesting in this too

- Arsenal asked for Saka and Amaechi to be withdrawn from international duty as they may be needed on the bench of 12
- Expectation is that Mkhitaryan will not travel to Baku

- 8,500 tonnes of carbon emissions
- A star player who is unable to travel
- Two of Europe's biggest clubs can't sell out an allocation of 12,000

Inside the fiasco that has been Arsenal vs Chelsea in Baku

連阿仙奴都要出statement 話對今次決賽安排失望

皇后大道東 2019-5-16 23:12:08 應該係寸緊兩隊倫敦球會要飛咁Q遠去踢


Hol79 2019-5-16 23:12:24 意假全部都乞開米
約_翰 2019-5-16 23:12:25
2019-5-16 23:12:37
零四多好 2019-5-16 23:14:01 咁人地都唔知咁岩係兩隊倫敦既
好好努力 2019-5-16 23:14:02 屌幾隻翼汁到一隻都正 幼幼
Arsene_Wenger 2019-5-16 23:14:08 人工都比唔起啦
皇后大道東 2019-5-16 23:15:11 主要係因為安排得太差,佢加埋呢句落去啫
約_翰 2019-5-16 23:16:05 阿仙奴最主要小佢交通又安排唔到,飛又比得少
愛美麗Out 2019-5-16 23:17:53 下屆轉場囉
青藤(中野三玖) 2019-5-16 23:18:02 最後一句好港豬feel


施耶治覓腸 2019-5-16 23:18:06 此回覆已被刪除
Arsene_Wenger 2019-5-16 23:18:23 而家係比你去呀
艾朗藍斯#8 2019-5-16 23:19:11 龍虎切收左皮
2019-5-16 23:20:38 12000張都賣唔晒
