LIHKG [先睇頭post 再發問] 日本上網卡 Wifi 蛋 懶人包 (9)
Lin頭生花柳 2019-12-11 00:50:22


球文字D 2019-12-11 09:47:15 我用過ok的
波熊 2019-12-11 11:24:40 想問下去高山白川鄉其實softbank蛋夠唔夠做?
瘋小子 2019-12-11 13:00:45 (日本真無限)MYPACEMARKET原創SOFTBANK 8天真無限日本上網卡

呢張有無手足用過 係咪做到真無限
瘋小子 2019-12-11 13:07:12 會唔會有3台10gb 10日個速度
冰島神宮 2019-12-11 16:19:35 試過
冰島神宮 2019-12-11 16:20:55
波熊 2019-12-11 16:34:12 咁得了!我係香港租嚕

球文字D 2019-12-11 22:20:08 原來3嗰張環亞遊而家每日有1GB!

prokofiev 2019-12-11 23:20:44 There's a pageant of which the final round will take place next month in Kyoto. I would've thought Aiko is quite likely to enter the final. My friend said "My bet is Fumi will enter the final" My friend Alex has accepted a commission to compose a waltz for the pageant because one of the contestants will be showcasing her waltz dance which we all can't wait to see. I should like to extend my congratulations to him for having received a commission for a waltz from the pageant since it's a rare opportunity. I also would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to my friend Kawai on progressing through the preliminary round. She's a contestant in the beauty contest and I won't be surprised if she progresses through the semifinal. I went on holiday in Tokyo last summer which lived up to my expectation. My brother also went to Tokyo on vacation for Easter which came up to his expectation. My sister holidayed in Sydney over the Christmas holiday last year which failed to live up to her expectation. I love Japanese culture and food. I took the JLPT test at N one level in Tokyo. My listening far outshines my speaking so the marks I lost in speaking were offset by those I gained in listening. My friend Amy too took the test. She's a little weak in reading but strong in writing so the marks she gained in the writing section offset those she lost in the reading part. After the test we spent money on clothes and shoes like it was going out of fashion. We went to the casino and gambled like it was going out of fashion. If you enjoy being in Japan you might spend money on food and cosmetic products like it's going out of fashion. If you enter the casino you might gamble like it's going out of fashion like we did lol. My Japanese friend Rika has been invited to a marathon next month but she may be out of condition for it. Her grandfather was granted asylum during the second world war. Her cousins Tom and Jerry have been accused of robbery lately. If convicted they would be jailed for two years. The judge granted bail to Tom but refused to grant Jerry bail. Tom's parents have agreed to post bail for Tom who's now released on bail of forty four thousand dollars whereas Jerry is remanded in custody for twelve days. Rika's maid has been stealing jewellery from her. After an investigation she said "She's been stealing jewelry. I'll grant you that" Rika's best friend will be coming to Japan so she will have her around for a few nights. I said "having your best friend over for a few nights is fair enough but you should let your family know before having her around" My brother too said "I grant that it's very kind of you to have her over but you should let your family know beforehand" Rika has bought a front row ticket for the NBA All-Star game which was very hard to get. I said "Fair enough. It's difficult to get a front row ticket but you should ask your boss if you could get a few days off as you'll need to fly to America for it" She was too excited lol.
prokofiev 2019-12-11 23:24:43 I'll be vacationing in Hokkaido at Christmas which I'm looking forward to. My brother holidayed in Osaka for Easter last year which fulfilled his expectation. My sister also went on holiday in Kyoto during the Easter holiday which satisfied her expectation. My uncle went to Hiroshima on vacation at Easter which lived up to his expectation while my auntie vacationed in Nagasaki and Kagoshima over the easter holiday which came up to her expectation as well. My brother is an Aries whereas my sister is a Pisces. My mum is a Capricorn whereas my uncle is a Virgo. My auntie is a Gemini while my cousin is a Leo. My younger brother is a Scorpio whereas his girlfriend is a Sagittarius.


歧視集團 2019-12-11 23:38:38 我十一月尾係東京用完, 兩張路路通都OK, 總結係穩定性好過 sim2fly 好多, 又平d. 不過我係上機前係香港開卡.
Lin頭生花柳 2019-12-14 10:32:02
月巴言寺 2019-12-16 20:34:16 嚟緊一月去沖繩諗緊買3HK 10gb好冇
逼娼為良 2019-12-17 10:07:42 已退錢 慢到係迪士尼抽fp 唔得 好彩隔離仲有張3台
Ashley_Cole 2019-12-17 16:27:41 3HK 10GB 好嘢嚟
食蕉呂飛剎 2019-12-17 18:24:25 東京10M左右, 叫正正常常, 但唔會再用
今時今日呢個速度係TG send張相都要load幾秒麻麻地
食蕉呂飛剎 2019-12-17 18:26:46 雖然我都知10GB係好多, 但都成日怕用哂d流量
Ashley_Cole 2019-12-17 18:48:27 去幾多日先
月巴言寺 2019-12-17 19:04:17 想試吓做勇士
食蕉呂飛剎 2019-12-18 09:37:33 十五日


食蕉呂飛剎 2019-12-18 11:56:58

係唔係未有人用過, 見佢packing同aij一樣
Pace 2019-12-18 12:32:02 其實包裝設計唔同架 XD



窮人一號 2019-12-18 13:06:29 心急買完先見到呢個post , 請問有冇手足知呢張用唔用到hotspot? 用 APN

食蕉呂飛剎 2019-12-18 23:45:40 THX
download幾快, 但upload好似算慢?