(Elevator girl 配信中) Babymetal 討論區2
中元日芽香⊿⁴⁶ 2019-7-6 11:37:22


永遠的壹 2019-7-6 20:25:43 Moa
happyfish 2019-7-6 20:46:18 MOA 唱Headbanger!!
中元日芽香⊿⁴⁶ 2019-7-8 07:09:23 仲有 Moa 彈結他
李鴻章 2019-7-11 08:39:10

Killjoy 2019-7-12 11:54:10
happyfish 2019-7-12 14:00:47 註左冊, 到抽飛時間會有Email 通知

The one 註冊教學

prokofiev 2019-7-12 14:28:52 I’ve assigned three and a half hours for practising their songs on my guitar 🎸 and drums. I like Japanese culture she food. A couple months ago I took the JLPT at N three in which I got a merit. My listening outshines my reading. So the marks I lost in reading was offset by the marks I gained in the listening section
Killjoy 2019-7-12 14:35:39 Thanks

happyfish 2019-7-12 19:37:10
ひかり 2019-7-17 00:35:44
7月尾公佈抽飛,今晚(17/7) 前課金入The  One都可以玩最優先抽

※BABYMETALメンバーズサイトTHE ONE会員チケット最速先行(抽選)の実施を予定しております。


※BABYMETAL『METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN』公演の 2019年度THE ONE(T-Shirt)メンバーズ チケット最速先行受付(抽選)ご利用希望の方・BABYMETAL New Album『METAL GALAXY』THE ONE - THE ONE Limited Edition -ご購入希望の方は、下記▼ご注文・ご入金期限▼までにご注文・ご入金をお済ませください。




Killjoy 2019-7-17 12:50:28
ひかり 2019-7-17 13:07:36
Killjoy 2019-7-17 22:02:00
SuYuiMoa 2019-7-18 13:52:45 pa pa ya聽到停唔到
中元日芽香⊿⁴⁶ 2019-7-18 14:11:05 我係 shanti 停唔到
SuYuiMoa 2019-7-18 15:20:04 papaya好洗腦
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-7-22 17:57:00 新巴報到 岩岩追晒舊po
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-7-22 18:09:20 Hedoban Hedoban Hedoban Hedoban Hedoban Hedoban
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-7-23 12:33:56
prokofiev 2019-7-23 17:58:10 I’ve assigned four hours for practising their songs on my guitar 🎸 and trombone. I saw Babymetal live at Yokohama Arena a couple years ago which was absolutely incredible and unforgettable. They’ve been strutting their stuff since they were kids so don’t sell them short😊At the end of the last encore they bowed onstage soaking up the applause 👏🏻 They received a thunderous ovation. On top of being a great musician, Suzuka Nakamoto is also an avid runner 🏃🏻‍♀️ She took part in a three thousand metre race where she came second. Loads of fans congratulated her for having won the race as she held up the trophy 🏆 The race was the opportunity for all the best female runners 🏃🏻‍♀️ in Tokyo to strut their stuff. It was truly memorable. I remember seeing a baseball match at Tokyo Dome Stadium 🏟 where I had a bet on the outcome of the match. I bet eighty two thousand yens in Osaka team. It was unforgettable. Though baseball ⚾️ isn’t very popular in Hong Kong an increase in the promotion of it is offsetting this issue. Last week my Japanese friend Keita asked whether I wanted to join him for lunch so I replied in the affirmative. Since we’re both Marvel fans we went to the cinema afterwards and joined the queue for the movie tickets 🎫 for Avengers. His friends joined us later for the movie in the cinema. That evening we joined his sister on a run along the promenade which was awesome. After that we joined with his parents at his home 🏡 in doing a twenty one thousand one hundred piece jigsaw puzzle 🧩 It was relaxing and enjoyable. We had supper afterwards. We washed a box of salad and left it to dry out before consuming it as there’s more nutrients than consuming it right after you remove the lid. After supper, I said to Keita “I’ll wash 🧼 you dry” He came to the kitchen and stood beside me drying up the cutlery and utensils 🥄 while I washed. Since it’s best to dry your clothes out the night before by hanging them on a clothesline, I went ahead and did that. In addition, I gave his sister a head and foot massage 💆🏻 then I dried her head and feet on a quilt and a towel. Ha


prokofiev 2019-7-23 19:29:25 I’ve heard Babymetal will have concerts at Saitama Super Arena in the near future. If so I need to get a front row ticket 🎫 There’s an elegant cafe nearby of which the interior and the exterior are exquisitely and artistically designed. I enjoy drinking coffee ☕️ and relaxing there so much that I make it worth the barista’s while every time. My Japanese friend Keita and I have been wanting to go on a cruise round the Atlantic exploring new islands 🌴 for a long time but the cruise ships 🛳 that we’ve looked at are out of commission. Dream cruise is currently out of commission by power failures and broken components and won’t be in commission until September. Costa cruise which too is out of commission for repairs will be back in commission in December. Oh well 😔 Keita and I are both fans of vince carter. He was indeed an exciting slam dunker who was worth his weight in gold to raptors. Don’t get me wrong- I still enjoy watching him play even though he’s past his prime. I must say he’s made fairly quick progress with his three point shooting since he joined nets. Unfortunately his back injury has progressed significantly over the last three weeks forcing him to be sidelined for eight and a half weeks because of his back injury. His friend Lebron James is going to be out of commission as well until his leg heals. He’s made slow but steady progress with his skills since he had his leg injury. Keita is an operation manager at Hilton. I admire him for his ambition and dogged determination to succeed. He is so focused on his work that he never gets sidetracked by unimportant issues. His brother has broken up with his girlfriend lately so he’s a little bit down. To those of you who have broken up and haven’t yet found new love: Take heart ! You might find it worth your while to read “men are from Mars women are from Venus” by John gray. He’s a relationship expert whose work elaborates the keys 🔑 to a successful long term relationship. I was reluctant to read it at first as I’m not an avid reader 👨🏻‍🏫 but it turned out to be worth my while as I’ve learnt loads about how men and women think differently. Successful couples say this international bestseller is worth its weight in gold. You can also consult a social worker for what it’s worth.
中元日芽香⊿⁴⁶ 2019-7-24 04:32:12 Sorry, 冇新歌出,呢樹就係死城
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-7-24 04:36:50
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-7-24 04:40:21