(Elevator girl 配信中) Babymetal 討論區2
ひかり 2019-11-21 21:00:07


Ozzyyasu 2019-11-21 22:52:44
ひかり 2019-11-22 09:22:34
柴喵喵 2019-12-3 12:58:57 台灣果場公佈左買飛詳情啦

SuYuiMoa 2019-12-3 13:02:12 曼谷嚕
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-12-3 22:22:39 台北場
SuYuiMoa 2019-12-3 22:39:55 我曼谷
川上千尋(隊長) 2019-12-3 22:55:28 巴打有台灣電話?可唔可以幫手買
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-12-4 01:43:22 我澳門巴阿 有朋友台灣讀書 想單拖去
川上千尋(隊長) 2019-12-4 07:22:53 咁曼谷係咪有信用卡就買得

林佳樹 2019-12-4 09:03:00 留名


SuYuiMoa 2019-12-4 09:14:31 記得好似係
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-12-4 14:57:46 Moaちゃん
筒井彩萌 2019-12-5 02:22:29 https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B081JLYJ9V?pf_rd_p=58c92908-f2b1-4cbf-98d2-8911a92c77a0&pd_rd_wg=6tjPJ&pf_rd_r=Q6WBEPVDQN5FT2W8S40A&ref_=pd_gw_cr_simh&pd_rd_w=Dw205&pd_rd_r=bf9fe73e-997d-4027-ac6f-b60511c2b404&fbclid=IwAR0lnSCwx-qEteO5blfm0Pp26IOjf2LmbJhiMy0dBdwxqxbsG7Jpa9_QxaM

new album from boh and hideki
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-12-5 18:31:19
prokofiev 2019-12-5 23:28:01 I saw Babymetal live twice earlier this year which was marvelous and unforgettable. The first time I saw their concert with my friends we were late. I remember I said "look at the time. The concert will have begun" It was twenty to eight. The concert wouldbe started by then. It was a worthwhile concert that was compelling enough to see again. They've been strutting their stuff since their were children so don't sell them short. At the end of the last encore they bowed onstage soaking up the applause. They met with w standing ovation and thunderous applause. The group and the dancers and acrobats who were invited alongside them gave a magnificent performance. The choreography, the stage and the lighting design were superb and surpassed our expectations. They're very career-oriented. My auntie who's also very career-minded is planning on having Babymetal endorse her company's products but she'll have to make it financially worthwhile for them. They have a worthwhile job and career. I regard music performing as a worthwhile career.
水野由結 2019-12-16 13:22:56 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SSYOsLiF55g&feature=youtu.be
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-12-16 13:24:51 Moa好正阿
SuYuiMoa 2019-12-16 14:59:54 睇唔到
水野由結 2019-12-16 15:01:50 amuse 無端端又 make it private
水野由結 2019-12-16 15:56:40 https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=emb_title&v=qMKlj_1zbYc


水野由結 2019-12-16 15:57:00 回來了
工程矮毒 2019-12-18 01:00:46 點解要台灣號碼嘅?
SuYuiMoa 2019-12-20 16:08:08 此post已死 生日無人講
漓洵 2019-12-21 20:00:23 knotfest場有悲B咩圖