(Elevator girl 配信中) Babymetal 討論區2
之之鳥 2019-9-22 14:44:06 此回覆已被刪除


豬hi八格野郎 2019-9-22 14:48:40 所以無買clockenflap飛

之之鳥 2019-9-22 14:54:01 此回覆已被刪除
豬hi八格野郎 2019-9-22 15:00:35 我又唔介意其他人係咩料



期待緊佢地隻metal galaxy
prokofiev 2019-9-24 00:04:09 yesterday i assigned three hours for practicing their songs on my glockenspiel, vibraphone, xylophone and marimba. If you want the music to be more rhythmic you can add tambourine, sleigh bells, castanets and gongs. I'm a secondary school teacher. Today many students learn violin, japanese, dancing, piano and painting. I honestly don't know how they juggle painting, Japanese and dancing as they have to spend time practicing each of these activities. Perhaps their parents want to kindle their interest and see which one they have a talent for or can cultivate an interest in. My friend Jason said there was a bully in his class at university. I told him not to engage with him. Just stst it of his way as much as possible.
之之鳥 2019-9-25 15:39:04 此回覆已被刪除
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-9-26 01:01:03 Shanti shanti倒數
之之鳥 2019-9-26 02:40:47 此回覆已被刪除
SuYuiMoa 2019-9-26 23:07:12 https://youtu.be/gQnG_T7kbtY
我戒唔賭-.- 2019-9-27 01:23:41 Moa bb
山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 02:35:45 best song of new album


山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 07:17:42


SuYuiMoa 2019-9-27 09:55:36 pa pa ya!!
山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 13:09:57 whatever
happyfish 2019-9-27 13:57:02 Moa 超靚女

山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 16:13:34 I know that feel bro
山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 16:14:03

SuYuiMoa 2019-9-27 16:15:20 聽緊了
山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 16:16:12
山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 16:21:11 我啱啱先有得賣
SuYuiMoa 2019-9-27 16:21:33 iTunes預購左


山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 16:23:31 成隻碟?我諗緊買唔買黑膠
SuYuiMoa 2019-9-27 16:25:19 係 黑膠幾$
山下美月⁴⁶ 2019-9-27 16:25:42 Amazon $27
SuYuiMoa 2019-9-27 16:26:48 買啦 唔貴