[數撚圍爐區] You need that lemma. (13)
吾不懂數學 2019-5-9 23:07:07


吾不懂數學 2019-5-9 23:09:34
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-9 23:56:06
吾不懂數學 2019-5-9 23:57:21
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-9 23:59:45
吾不懂數學 2019-5-10 00:01:16
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 00:03:16
吾不懂數學 2019-5-10 00:04:37
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 00:06:43
今朝冇酒 2019-5-10 05:16:11 此回覆已被刪除
今朝冇酒 2019-5-10 05:42:39 此回覆已被刪除


笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-5-10 09:02:17
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2019-5-10 09:06:22
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 09:07:11
夢追人 2019-5-10 11:38:12
訓覺專員 2019-5-10 11:40:56 此回覆已被刪除
今朝冇酒 2019-5-10 11:46:39 此回覆已被刪除
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 12:32:28
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 12:34:47
今朝冇酒 2019-5-10 12:35:21 此回覆已被刪除
夢追人 2019-5-10 12:57:37


算子代數 2019-5-10 12:58:47 easier to prove things. For example, if you wanna prove that certain property hold for all elements in span of S, you just need to prove that the set of elements satisfying this property is a vector space containing S, which is often much less messy than directly manipulating linear combinations of elements in S.
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 13:25:09
幸福安泰吻 2019-5-10 13:25:21
坂上邪留丸 2019-5-10 13:28:38 其實Laplace transform 有冇咩野advanced course用到?佢地都冇用過咁。好奇想問Matlab除左research之外,仲有冇咩工可以用到?