[借ac] 係美國新聞學院寫咗篇自己唔係中國人嘅文
波蘭詩人 2019-4-25 13:07:01


別人有的愛 2019-4-25 13:07:09 支持
麻雀妹 2019-4-25 13:07:28 I guess people just don't read
IY3TS 2019-4-25 13:07:59 咁嗰啲咪加拿大人
IY3TS 2019-4-25 13:08:43 咁你bno國籍係填香港? 邏輯fail
麻雀妹 2019-4-25 13:08:47 ching 我報大學 填咩表 都有香港同台灣做選項
Dolguin 2019-4-25 13:08:53

打咗篇reply回應,但等緊moderator approve

First, the so-called reiteration is completely unnecessary. However complicated the historical backgrounds is in Hong Kong, Tibet or in Taiwan, their partially independent status, different from the mainland China, is undeniable. The author of the original article has, therefore, to my understanding, gives a fair summary of the difference between these region and the mainland.

Second, I cannot see any problem regarding calling people living in Hong Kong 'Hongkonger', so does those living in any cities in China or in the States. The official status, as in the Basic Law, of being a Hong Kong resident is also internationally recognised - the city even has its own passport. I am regretful but it is very suspicious of your intention attacking the author to call Hong Kong citizens as 'Hongkongers' - is this the way you trying to suppress the right of Hong Kong citizens to call themselves however we want?

Third, the author has never argued that Hong Kong is not a part of China. Even the title says 'I am from Hong Kong, not China', it just depicts the thought that some Hongkongers, at least the author him/herself, wish to be identified in such way. As you uphold the freedom of speech, I believe you would have agree the author's right to say his thought (even if it is a pro-independence one). Such excessive, being way too politically correct, argument further leads to suspicion of your intention of writing this reply - are you trying to mute the voices of Hongkongers, by attacking the columnist and his view with absurd points?

It is completely fine if you have alternative view, and I shall support and defend your freedom of speech even if I have different thoughts. But, I do hope you will respect people of different opinions, just the same way most of the Hongkongers do - the berkeley beacon is a diverse place for opinion exchange, not a platform to mute any 'politically incorrect' messages.
你個comment好on point! 尤其是第三點 完全係我心底話

頂 啱啱用手機打 睇唔到打錯字
色色薯條 2019-4-25 13:08:56 支持
秦こころ 2019-4-25 13:09:17 希望樓主平安
渾圓的蜜桃 2019-4-25 13:09:24 我揸美國護照,thx
意識橋 2019-4-25 13:09:34 而家唔係認叻呀,


你要call 馬幫手,同班五毛鬥,



紫悅 2019-4-25 13:09:44 仲有少數族裔人都五十幾萬
天涼好個秋 2019-4-25 13:10:05 I am from a city owned by a country that I don’t belong to.

藍寶 2019-4-25 13:10:13 小心啲保護自己呀
科大賓周 2019-4-25 13:10:45 lm
麻雀妹 2019-4-25 13:10:46 見咁多人喺到順便問下 我無香港嘅大學嘅email 仲可以點樣登記做連登會員
pm過Facebook admin無人理
費迪·水銀 2019-4-25 13:10:46 輕輕一推
麻雀妹 2019-4-25 13:11:09 真心第一句就寫咗出嚟
死肥宅 2019-4-25 13:11:19 支持
IY3TS 2019-4-25 13:11:26 問下美國認唔認香港係國家先啦
哇哈哈哈哈 2019-4-25 13:11:36 Lm


高息股 2019-4-25 13:11:48 應該都係叫你唔好搞事個類
渾圓的蜜桃 2019-4-25 13:12:03 如果學校用任何方法打壓你言論自由,記住要send自己經歷去主流媒體,美國人好重視呢d野,呢d情況更加可以利用埋左膠影響力
你認撚錯人 2019-4-25 13:12:11 小心係學校畀小粉紅追住黎屌
恥笑共和國 2019-4-25 13:12:31