[借ac] 係美國新聞學院寫咗篇自己唔係中國人嘅文
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 18:51:58 係呀,根本成個中國人既concept都係吹出黎呃人。


邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 18:52:47 Ethnically Chinese 係吹出黎,冇依樣野
堅痛 2019-4-25 18:53:55 如果要分,應該係叫漢人
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 18:55:26 用基因去分最中性
麥理浩大學 2019-4-25 18:55:46 清末班人想繼承個帝國而老作出嚟
食魚有魚味 2019-4-25 18:56:39 民族係個social construct, 大多數人認為有就會有. 而且ethnically chinese好多時係講文化上嘅嘢(講中文寫中文, 揸筷子之類)多過真係驗dna. 正如普遍都會認為台灣人係華人, 但原住民好明顯唔係華人啦.
cursedraven 2019-4-25 18:58:59 我響Reddit寫過N篇呢類文章, 又長又多, 不過冇用的, 永遠都有五毛跟住你黎屌跟住downvote到你篇文失蹤
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2019-4-25 19:01:22 想問樓主,學校有咩反應? 有冇話怕麻煩叫你收皮咁?
見班中國學生篇文都幾 aggressive 下,其實可以開佢波
你試下手動呼吸 2019-4-25 19:01:58
The identity issue is way more complicated than what ethnic group a person belongs to, which country's passport a person has or what language a person speaks.
In my trip in Europe, someone from the States argued that HongKongers are Chinese as we speak Chinese.
If that's true then majority of the States' population would be British because they speak English.
Maybe you live in a place where identity crisis is not an issue so you don't understand.
Is Obama a American or African? You can't identify him as an African simply because his skin is black. Many people in the world don't possess a passport. So where do they belong? You can see that identity, for some people, is not as straight forward as you might think.

The government of a country can change, boundary certainly always changes over time.
Australia was once owned by the indigenous Australian. The Roman Empire and Mongol Empire no longer exist. And imagine that you are living in a land occupied by the Nazis in WW2, are you automatically an Nazi once they have marched into your city?

幫你執咗執 但其實你用nazi做例子好容易俾人執住嚟講 但obama個例子ok 鬼佬可能會覺得relatable
你試下手動呼吸 2019-4-25 19:03:41 hi 非洲同胞
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 19:03:44 大多數人認爲啱既野就啱,咁難怪香港人比人當係支那人


YoshiokaYUI 2019-4-25 19:03:45
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 19:04:07
Bodysnatchers 2019-4-25 19:04:09 此回覆已被刪除
Behhzz 2019-4-25 19:04:23 支持
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 19:05:00 所以要係正式媒體度出啦
許志安(整番好) 2019-4-25 19:05:34 美國
鳩噏怪 2019-4-25 19:05:41 此回覆已被刪除
許志安(整番好) 2019-4-25 19:08:08 都唔係淨係美國 根本全世界邊度都多 我屌
邪惡熊仔 2019-4-25 19:09:34 原來真係好多00後得支那籍
IY3TS 2019-4-25 19:10:09 無問題 但唔會係香港 想大家認清事實唔洗打飛機


食魚有魚味 2019-4-25 19:10:22 有時有啲嘢唔係用啱同錯嚟去分嘅. 一個大部份人都認同嘅社會概念, 我地好難否定佢嘅存在.

而我自己就不嬲都認為, 香港要爭取更多嘅政治權利, 同我地係唔係華人, 中國人係咪華人, 根本係冇關係. 所以對我嚟講, 我冇誘因去唔承認ethnically Chinese依個概念.
世間安得雙全法 2019-4-25 19:10:35 支持
係窮呀𨳒你個閪 2019-4-25 19:15:23 可惜我英文差
係開心仔既 2019-4-25 19:16:09 上次睇到都O左,有個係問點解大陸咁aggressive 想接管香港,有個係香港大陸學生話係商家管治下香港越黎越差,科技又無,所以中共先出手救香港

個reply 係勁多like ,同玩得quora既五毛真係全部都名校出身,講既垃圾又好似呃到下人咁
