[借ac] 係美國新聞學院寫咗篇自己唔係中國人嘅文
柒撚濛濛 2019-4-25 16:39:40 50幾個負皮係咩意思


金珉周JUJOO 2019-4-25 16:42:20 嘩屌
金珉周JUJOO 2019-4-25 16:42:20 嘩屌
宇都宮BB 2019-4-25 16:42:21 睇d comment先恐怖

知識獵奇真男人 2019-4-25 16:43:29 Everything is complicated.
In my trip in Europe, a USA person says Hong Kongese speak Chinese and we are Chinese.
So I think that USA person are British because they speak English.
Maybe you are living a place without citizenship problem so you don't understand.
Is Obama a American or African? you cannot even use blood to identify. Somebody in this world don't have passport in their life. Are they nothing?

Country is always authority group to control a land. boundary is always changing through time.
Land of Australia is owned by Indigenous Australians originally. what's now. Roma Emperor or Mongol Empire are past and we have to admit it. But think about World war 2, you are one of citizens of Nazil at that moment. Will you think that you are people of Nazil because Nazil take your land and give a passport of Nazil?
毛主之地 2019-4-25 16:44:00 一黎統一/收復係秦始皇開始每個朝代永恆既主題
我有錢 2019-4-25 16:46:41 LM
MosesSumney 2019-4-25 16:46:45 喺佢地篇野下面留左言

Bodysnatchers 2019-4-25 16:46:59 此回覆已被刪除
高級支那打手 2019-4-25 16:47:38 Chinese 係華僑 華裔 定華人?
Chinese 就一定係中國藉人咩?
日日要飲凍奶茶 2019-4-25 16:48:01 唔識咪查字典當學生字,有心睇自然就會咁做


Polis 2019-4-25 16:48:36 喺外國讀書個時上堂老師逐個問你邊度嚟,香港人好自然答係香港,然後啲中國人就會衝出嚟柒話Hong Kong belongs to China

slsso 2019-4-25 16:50:18 要推
Bodysnatchers 2019-4-25 16:51:50 此回覆已被刪除
被封印的右手 2019-4-25 16:52:01 唔識咪查字典 學下英文囉
呢篇咁值得一看 都唔肯查下字典
AirSupply 2019-4-25 16:52:12 你係好值得尊敬晚既人
二貨課長 2019-4-25 16:54:19 你寫得已經好就住,睇住班大陸人同埋D唔知真定假嘅大中華鬼佬/婆真係好難頂。英文雖然唔好但都留咗comment 支持....不過唔知最後出唔出到。加油
雅各賓派 2019-4-25 16:54:20 I grew up learning that my city’s core values were rooted in the freedoms granted by the Basic Law, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of press and publication.
Asdfghj 2019-4-25 16:56:16 講緊身份認同 d中國人就係到講香港係中國一部分
Polis 2019-4-25 16:57:16 三係香港係用嚟統一台灣既樣版,中共最想係統戰台灣,不過權衡輕重之後,發覺都係唔可以比太多權同自由比香港,如果唔係就會比香港有時間建立到香港既民族意識,所以寧願做衰一國兩制,台灣個方面最多武統(統到既話)
計錯數 2019-4-25 16:57:27 啲comment痴鳩線


追憶廁所年華 2019-4-25 16:59:10 其實所謂解殖有99%都會變咗再殖
大笨鐘維修佬 2019-4-25 17:00:22 加油
連登郭奉孝 2019-4-25 17:05:45 樓主加油
成日同大陸仔講港獨 雨革
愈難愈愛 2019-4-25 17:06:22 其實呢啲野個個香港人都知 外國人只會講句 that's interesting
不如穩穩陣陣讀完係個邊捱多唔知幾多年 再入藉
利申: 英國L